I'll Never Let Anyone Hurt You, I Promise

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The Next day

Pamela walked out of her room to find Fergal in the kitchen making her breakfast. 

Pamela- What's all this?

Fergal- Hey your awake, here sit I've made pancakes 

Pamela- Thanks but you didn't-

Fergal- I know but I want to apologise for last night and for what I did to you in School, I meant every word that I said last night. I'm really sorry Pamela 

Pamela- I know you are and it will take me some time to get over it but I forgive you 

Fergal- Thanks Pam 

Pamela- Crap

Fergal- Whats wrong?

Pamela- I'm late for class, Thanks for breakfast I'll see you later OK

Fergal- Sure see ya 

Later that night Pamela was busy studying with Austin and Mercedes for their big exam that was coming up, when Pamela's phone buzzed. 

Austin- Who that?

Pamela- It's Nick 

Mercedes- What's he saying 

Pamela- Shit, I totally forgot I had a date with him tonight 

Austin- Just tell him you're busy

Mercedes- Austin right just say you're studying for the exam 

Pamela- Yeah 

Pamela texted Nick back telling him what Austin had told her to say. Five minutes late Nick texted back saying "That's a shame, have fun studying"

Pamela- He seem like he upset with me 

Mercedes- He'll get over it

A Few Days Later

Nick was waiting for Pamela outside her classroom he saw her exit the classroom and just as he was about to go up and greet her, Nick saw her in Deep conversation with Fergal. Nick at first thought nothing of it until he saw Pamela laughing and putting her hand on Fergal's chest. Nick blood start to boil as he see the way Fergal looks at her.

Nick waits until he see Pamela walk away, he follow her down a corridor before cornering her.

Pamela- There you are, I thought you were gonna wait outside the class for me 

Nick- I did but you were to interested in your roommate to notice me 

Pamela- I'm sorry Nick 

Nick- Are you sure he just your roommate?

Pamela- Yes! What do you mean by that?

Nick- You sure you're not fucking him behind my back!

Pamela- What! Nick no I'm-

Suddenly Nick snapped and backhanded Pamela across the face, Pamela was in utter shock as she held her face.

Nick- Stay away from Fergal or else. Do you understand 

Pamela- Yes 

Over the next month The abuse continues with Nick snapping at the slightest thing Pamela does wrong and telling her it her fault he is abusing her. Pamela continuous cover up the bruises that show the abuse she is suffering with. 

However one night whilst on a date with Nick, Pamela shy away from a kiss which makes Nick mad as he grabs Pamela by the neck and squeezing her neck to the point he begin to choke her. 

The next morning Pamela tries to cover the bruises on her neck up with foundation but when she walks into the lounge Fergal immediately notices the marks on her neck.

Fergal- Jesus Pamela what happened 

Pamela- Stop I'm fine

Fergal- Well Your not. How did you get those marks?

Pamela- I fell out of bed last night and hit my neck on the bedside table. Now I'm late for class so if you don't mind 

After Pamela had left Fergal thought about the marks on her neck and wasn't convinced she had got them from falling out of bed.

One week Later 

After going out on a lunch date with Nick, Pamela decides to invite him back to her room while Fergal is out at the Gym. The two decide to sit and watch a movie in Pamela's room, As they are watching the movie Nick decides to make a move as he kisses Pamela. As the two kiss Nick hand begins to wonder down her body before going up her thigh, Suddenly Pamela breaks the kiss and pushes him away. 

Pamela- No Nick 

Nick- What's wrong I thought you wanted to have sex

Pamela- You thought wrong, Now lets just watch the movie 

Nick- Lay down now! 

Pamela- Nick-

Nick- Now or I'll make you! 

Pamela eyes became filled with Fear as she realised the danger she was in, Suddenly Nick threw her head against the headboard before climbing on top of her and delivering a series of punches. 

Pamela- Please Nick don't !!!

Nick- You asked for this!! He shouted as he ripped the top half of her dress open 

Fergal had just finished his workout and walked in to the flat to hear a bloodcurdling scream coming from Pamela's room. Fergal drops his bag and makes a beeline for Pam's room barging in to find Nick on top of Pamela trying to rape her.

Suddenly something in Fergal snaps when he sees Nick hit Pam, punching her in the face, Fergal sees red and jumps on top of Nick throwing him from the bed on to the ground.

Pamela sits up holding her ripped dress as she watches Fergal beating the crap out of Nick, Fergal then roughly grabs Nick by the neck dragging him through the flat before throwing him out of the door like the trash he is. 

Fergal- Don't you dare come near Pamela again or I will make damn sure you'll regret it 

 Nick runs off down the hallway as Fergal slams the door He turns around to see Pamela walking out of her room all bruised and bloody Fergal quickly rushes to her side as she breaks down. 

Fergal- Hey shh I've got you 

Fergal catches her before she collapses on the floor as he lifts her up in to his arms and carries her to her room, Fergal places her on the bed before he goes to get the first aid kit to clean her wounds up and some ice for her black eye. 

A Little while later Pamela had drifted off to sleep as Fergal began to slowly gets up to leave, He heard Pamela call out for him. 

Fergal- You OK?

Pamela- Can you stay with me Please  

At first Fergal is hesitant but when Pam says 'please' he smiles

 Fergal-Of course I'll Stay 

Fergal goes and lays next to her as she curls up next to him putting her head on his chest before sleep claims her. 

Fergal looks at the sleeping beauty in front of him and whispers 

Fergal-I'll never let anyone hurt you, I promise. before he too falls asleep holding her tightly.

What Will Happen Next??? Will Fergal and Pamela start to develop feelings towards each other??? Will Nick make another Return and try to hurt Pamela or Will Josh return and try to get revenge on Fergal by using Pamela??? Until Next Time xxxx 

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