only dated you for fame prank

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*sorry for all lower case. i changed my keyboard for a prank i did on my boyfriend and i never got around to change it back😂
and also rip cameron boyce. we love you and you will be missed🥺💔*

"hey what's up you guys; it's y/n here. today i am going to be doing a 'i dated you for fame' prank on my boyfriend, colby brock." you say the intro for your new video. you haven't pranked colby in a long time. "colby is out filming with sam, corey and jake. and disclaimer, this is only a prank; i would never in a million years use colby for clout and his money." you say truthfully into the camera. "so now your probably wondering how this is going to go down. well, i'm going to be in the living room watching netflix and when colby walks through the door i'll call him into the living room so we can talk. and i'll break the news to him." i say. "so right now i'm going to text him and see when he's going to be home." i say setting the camera down on the kitchen island.

y/n: babe when are you going to be home?
colby: in about 20 mins why
y/n: just wondering we need to talk later
colby: alright see you soon
y/n: ok bye
end messages

"so he's going to be home in about 20 minutes so i'm going to go set the camera up." i walked into the apartment living room and set the camera up in the corner looking through out the whole living room. "perfect." i said walking away from the camera. i sat down on the couch and put on netflix. about 15 minutes later the door opened. i looked at the camera and mouthed 'show time'. "babe?" i heard colby yell. "i'm in here!" i yell back. colby comes walking into the living room sitting down next to me. my legs are now criss crossed. colby lays his hand on my knee. i look down at his hand and hold his pointer finger in my hand(i hope you understand what i mean by that). "so what's up? you needed to talk," he says. "um...i-i don't know how to say this," i say looking down at my crossed legs. "just say it," colby demands but in a soft voice. "so...w-when we first started dating...i-i..." i start to fake tear up. "you what? babe your scaring me," he says now worried. i took a deep breath in and out. "i used you for fame." i say. i look up at his eyes and they are glistening with tears. "w-what?" he says taking his finger out of my hand. "i'm so sorry colby. i really am." i say full fake crying. "why? why would you do this? i thought you actually loved me." he says heartbroken. this is making me sad but i need to keep it going. "babe, i do love y-" "don't babe me." "i'm sorry okay?" i yell. "that's not going to fix anything." colby says walking out the room into our bedroom. i get up to get the camera and whisper, "he's pissed. oh no." i walk into the room to see that he's packing his things up. "babe it was a prank!" "what?" he asks confused not noticing the camera yet. "look it's a prank." i say showing him the camera. he drops the shirt that was in his hand and walks to me. he grabs my waist and pulls me into a hug. "i'm sorry." i say kissing him. "your mean but i love you." "i love you to colby." i laugh. i say my outro and end the video. "i can't believe you did that to me. your definitely getting payback." colby says. "okay." i laugh. i edit the video and post it to my youtube channel.

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