rick #1

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{ urgent mail for myself,
because i love rick too much }

your fingertips cover rick's eyes, willing them to shut.

"and then i told him i would handle it," you murmur, gossiping of a coworker.

"and he said...?" rick sits opposite you at the café, his eyes still closed, his hand wavering above his teacup.

"he wanted to say no," you lean across the table and peck a kiss to rick's lips. he is not shocked in the slightest; this game has become a pattern between the two of you. "but i wouldn't let him."

"good on you. may i?" he taps the handle of the teacup and you relax into your chair.

"of course."

his eyes open, that beautiful fluttering of lashes, and he sips from his tea.

"when is david arriving?" your head falls to your shoulder, and beneath the table your feet leave their sandals. being with rick brings you an immense sense of peace. each note he is able to play for you in your alone-together moments lifts your smile. each bob of his head and press of his fingers makes you fall further into love with him.

"mmh, now," rick pulls away from his cup and gestures behind you. david comes stepping down the sidewalk, greeting the both of you and pulling up a chair. he talks briefly of the business of the band, then delves into your recent visit to greece.

it is a slow afternoon. you grin at your companions and savor the conversation.

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