david #4

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{ mail for 70swhoreykwtfgo love you, girl! }

a bubble floats up from the tub and shines rainbow in the sunlight before you lift a lazy hand and pop it.

it's a quiet, achy morning and in a few hours you'll have to leave for your afternoon shift at the boutique. you sigh and tilt your head back to meet david's chest.

"hello," he teases, running his thumb along your sweating forehead. his legs are wrapped around you, braced against the inside of the small bathtub.

"hi, do i know you?" you ask, pressing your lips together to quell your smile. you draw a circle over his kneecap and find the curve of his shoulder the perfect place for your head to fall.

"hmm, i don't think so. i'm in a band." his arms leave the outer edges of the tub and his hands fall to your arms, swiping up and down.

"oh? what do you play?"

"guitar," he breathes. "mostly."

"are you any good?"

"yes, the ladies certainly think so."

you laugh. the water rolls as you fold your legs and bring them up to frame david's.

"one in particular seems to enjoy my playing. in fact, she thinks it's my only redeeming factor."

"what?" you gasp and turn to look at him. "that is not true."

his smirk is wicked and his hair is plastered wet to his head. you place a hand on his chest, just to feel his heartbeat.

"alright, what else do you fancy about me?"

your cheeks heat. "your eyes." blue, they've become your favorite shade in all of nature. "your lips." kissable, and paired with the sharp edge of his chin, turn him into a living greek statue. "your heart; you're beautifully kind. your smile. your humor. seeing you happy. and before i forget, your patience from putting up with roger all the time."

david chuckles, a vibration in his chest that echoes to your palm. "thank you, beautiful. sometimes i forget how much you love me."

"really?" your hands travel to his face, trailing his cheekbones. "here. i don't want you to ever forget. keep this in mind when we're apart." you kiss him fully, pulling him close and tasting the sweet burden of maple syrup from the morning's breakfast. he opens his mouth to you and your tongue trails his bottom lip before entering and sharing a moan.

you wiggle to face him and a splash of water hits the floor below. he laughs against you. you wish you could hold all of him in one kiss: breath, body, intention, feeling.

brring! the phone suddenly sounds from the living room and you draw from him, watching with blood-flushed lips as he stands and almost falls from the tub.

"i'll be right back," he holds a finger up and trails water out the doorway. you try to not stare at his naked, dripping form but fail anyway.

"i'll be waiting," you shout, after a lick of your lips.

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