rick #4

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{ mail for moreofthatrock and mr. wright (oh, how i adore the two of you!) }

the sky is an intoxicating blue and lacking of clouds, so different from the weather in england. the sunshine fills you up and you groan in warm comfort from the heat, turning on your stomach to sunbathe your back.

you were surprised when rick invited you to greece. after all, you were just a "g-word," a groupie, but now you find yourself lying on his towel in the sand, sunglasses shielding your eyes.

the boys shout and bicker behind you as they play volleyball. your head lulls atop your arm and you listen for rick's voice among the ruckus: soft and emotional.

you begin to get a little too hot, your skin prickling with sweat, and pick yourself up from the sand to sit underneath the parasol and watch the volleyball game.

rick's already there, sipping from a beer bottle. he grins as you step over to him.

"it's heavenly, isn't it?" he asks.

"it really is. thank you for bringing me."

his eyes scan you in your bikini and you can't help but feel special when he takes your hand and guides you to the shore. the water's green-blue clear and the sand is a bright white. you let the small waves wash over your ankles, shell pieces tickling the skin.

"of course," rick acknowledges. he squints his eyes to the wind and sun. "i knew you would appreciate it. let's go farther out."

the water gets slightly cooler as it rises to your waist and then your chest. you move against the current and cling to rick, legs wrapping around his torso. he immediately reaches down to secure your grip on him.

"so..." you set your chin on his head, breath in the wet, salt scent, "do you want me to stay with you after this? when you go back home?"

"only if you want to."

looking down, the water is too blue and deep to see the bottom.

"well, i think i do. only if you want me to."

unexpectedly, he kisses your knee, bruised from your past nights of pleasuring him. "then i want you to."

someone shouts from the shore and the two of you look up to see nick waving. rick raises his arm in response.

"let's not go back," you say.

"and prune?"

"yes." you pull at his hair gently. "let's just sit and algae over like shipwrecks."

rick begins back to shore, causing you to moan and slip from him, your arms untwining.

"if you're worried, we'll be alone tonight," he tells you, sloshing through the water.

"can we come out here and be alone? you and me and the constellations?"

he lowers his head and watches where he steps as you return to shallow shore. "okay. we could use some time for talking anyway."

the boys are waiting for your return and david gives out the suggestion that you all go try one of the gyro restaurants in the city. there's a spattering of agreement.

you slip your dress over your head with a solemn determination and try to follow the conversation of the band. but the sky is too blue, and steals your attention, enough to make rick call out your name and tug you away from the beach.

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