nick #3

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{ mail for nick (the pic up top is my favorite photo of him :)) }

going to the cinema with nick is one of your favorite past times. especially on rainy days when it's too dark and wet to be outside.

it usually goes the same every visit: he offers to get you something from the concessions, but you deny and instead steal the bits of pretzel he bought for himself.

today is no different. your fingers knead a small piece of dough, oily and warm, as you sit beside nick and watch the news reel. you slip the pretzel piece past your lips and hum at the saltiness.

"i've been thinking," you begin.

"as always, thief," nick huffs and swats your hand away when you try for another piece.

"no, seriously." you turn to him and he stares back at you, face half-illuminated in the grayscale tone of the projection. "we're at a pretty stable point in our lives, right?"

"right," he nods. and it's true. the band is doing well, extremely well, in fact, and your flower shop is active with the upcoming Valentine holiday.

"and we're mature..."

"sometimes," he giggles and peels away a bit of bread to give to you.

you laugh and lick your fingers. "well, i was thinking, why don't we start a family?"

nick stills in his chair and furrows his brows at you. oh no, you think. but soon, a smile spreads his face. the movie begins with a flourish of horns and the production company's logo splashes across the screen.

nick grips your hand. his eyes are bright, pupils flashed with the film's reflection, and his voice is suddenly soft next to your ear.

"that sounds perfect. why don't we get started now?"

"in the movie theater?"

someone behind you shushes and you lean in closer to nick.

"no, no. when we get home. unless you want it now," he tilts his head with a toothy grin, but you let out a gasp and push him away with the fright of an offended old woman.

"would you two please be quiet?" the man in the row behind leans over nick's chair. "i'm trying to watch the film."

"sorry," you mumble as he pulls away. a moment passes before you grab nick's arm. "yeah, let's go."

"that's what i thought." he immediately rises, gathering his jacket and relinquishing the last curve of pretzel to you. you two hustle out of the movie theater amidst groans and yells. it'll be a rainy drive back, you half-think, but then the promise of pleasure fills your mind and you laugh.

you stand giddy beneath the marquee, your cheek wet with one of nick's kisses while you wait for him to get the car.

{ i plan to end this book sometime soon, so if anyone has requests, please message me! }

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