syd #1

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{ mail for moreofthatrock, who is too kind to me } 

the sand beneath your bare feet is cold and mushy, grained with washed-up bits of shells. the sky above is dark with clouds and your raincoat flaps in the oncoming wind. you wouldn't be out here if syd wasn't missing when you woke up this morning. 

but, still, you know exactly where to find him: perched on a damp rock like a lost siren, legs bent to his chest and face pale and looking. you almost expect him to not see you approach.

"good morning," syd mumbles. his voice is as soft as the hydrangea petals you're thumbing. the stalks are long, poking your arms, and you stand idly beside him, staring at the tendons in his flexed feet, the veins blue beneath wet, white skin.

"why didn't you tell me you were coming down here?"

he eyes you gently, "you knew where to find me after all, didn't you?"

the waves crash in grey-green patterns, wrestling the rocks. you clear your throat and a spray of ocean mist cools your face. "these are for you. i bought them this morning after being persuaded by the salesman."

syd takes the hydrangeas from you, gingerly holding the stems between his fingers. "thank you."

"what's wrong?" you feel compelled to fold to him, run your thumb across his cheek and bury your head in his coat, but you stand with your hands in your pockets. "why'd you leave? is it the band?"

he shakes his head. his dark tresses brush his ears. "no."

you've been through this before. syd's sadness is overwhelming, like a fist clutching your body, cracking your ribs until you're formless. the option of walking away always pulls at your spine.

"are you ready to come back home? i can make you some tea, set up your easel, if you want."

another shake of his head. he begins to move, sliding from the rock and landing with a soft thud on the sand before you. the hydrangeas sit safely in his folded arms like a child.

"lie in bed with me," he whispers to you suddenly.

your brows raise for a moment. "of course," it's all you can say.

he holds out his bended elbow for you. you slip your arm through the space and walk with him down the beach towards your flat.

"syd," you sniff the air: sea-salt and fried fish from the corner restaurant.


"i love you."

he presses his head to yours for a moment. "i love you too, sweet darling. i feel better now that you're beside me."

"good. it pains me to see you upset."

he stops walking and turns to you, giving a close-lipped smile that makes you avert your eyes to the stone steps just beneath your feet. the rough texture provides no relief in the moment.

"don't let it," syd murmurs, walking again. "it'll pass."

but what frightens you is the change and the darkness of his gaze as he stares at your building. you clench his forearm in your grip and match the slow pace of his walk.

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