nick #4

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{ mail for nick }

the wind catches your hair and sends it flying backward when nick presses on the accelerator. you laugh a little, in nervousness, excitement. he just recently told you he likes fast cars and offered to take you for a drive along the coast. just the two of you, the rumble of the engine and the whisk of air too loud to hear one another. but, you kind of like it this way.

he lets one hand off the wheel to pat your leg for a second. something small and sweet. you catch his grin and the sunlight glare off his sunglasses. it's summer and you feel young. younger than your home in england or the children waiting for you back there. or the next big album. or interviews and signings and bills and morning commutes.

"i love this," you shout, to no one in particular.

nick catches on, though, "i do too." at least, it's what you think he says. you settle into the leather seat of the sports convertible. with any one else it would have been too much. with nick, it's perfect. 

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