david #3

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{ mail for moreofthatrock and baby david }

your fingers trip over themselves like a bad mimic of playing piano. but you're just nervous, carrying the weight of three words on your fingertips.

i love you. i love you. i love you, david.

in fact, you're not even sure if you should plan this. the words hopscotch down your throat, becoming alphabet soup in your stomach. a sigh exits. you shut your eyes.

the car door opens and you turn to see david enter, his hair falling in front of his face. his blue eyes make your breath catch, as if you've never noticed their color before.

"were they nice to you?" you ask.

"of course," he states. "they've no reason not to be."

right, you remind yourself. he picked up his first paycheck from pink floyd today.

david starts the car and it sputters down the street. you examine his hand on the steering wheel, the curved, raised knuckles. you suck on the inside of your cheek.

he turns the corner with the intention of bringing you home.

"i have to tell you something," you begin.

"hmm?" david briefly acknowledges you, but turns his head back to the road.

"um." a moment passes. he pulls to the side in front of your house and the grip on your skirt tightens in turn. david sets a hand on your lap.

"are you alright?" he asks.

"just fab," you laugh and he smiles.

his touch lingers on your messing hands. "are you sure?"

your look drops and you shake your head. "i'm overwhelmed," you try. "by you. by this between us." you think of secret mornings when he wakes you and simply stares until the kettle whistles; he has to hurry before your parents wake. you think of park-walks, nose-kisses, the hollow of his acoustic guitar. "david," your eyes crave his memory. "i'm more in love with you than you could ever imagine."

his face softens, the furrow of his brows leaving and his mouth rising. "you're wonderful." he takes your hand. "and i can imagine, because i am madly obsessed with you. and stunned by you," he kisses your cheek. "and mesmerized." your forehead. "and equally, terribly, drastically, in love with you too." and finally your lips.

you giggle against his mouth, hands clinging to his jacket and the leather of the car seat. it's like your desperate fourth date all over again: young and unsure, but completely knowing at the same time. your heart empties into him, beating at a rate it knows.

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