nick #2

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{ mail for nick }

"oh no," you protest, holding your hands in front of your face. sick and bed-ridden with a fever and runny nose, you have no desire to be photographed. but still, there's nick in the doorframe of your bedroom, aiming his camera at you. "no, you're cruel."

"i am far from cruel," he scoffs and snaps a shot despite your objections.

"lies. i would never objectify you in the middle of your illness."

he snaps another and you throw your arms into the air. you would turn over onto your side, but the food tray nick brought you earlier, laden with an empty soup bowl, a crumpled napkin, and various crumbs from your grilled cheese sandwich, is in the way.

"don't worry," his voice soothes. he moves toward you and takes the tray from the bed, settling it on top of the nightstand and almost crushing your tissue box. "these are for me only. little memories. this one is for whenever i need an example of you looking effortlessly beautiful."

despite the congested ache of your face, you smile and turn from him, curling your body under the stacks of blankets. "you're cruel and persuasive."

"what?" he asks. "was that an apology i heard?" his hand wraps over your hip and the mattress shifts with his weight.

"far from it," you bring your face from the pillow, but quickly let it fall again, exhaustion overwhelming you. "the soup was delicious, nick."

"it was made with love," he whispers. one arm closes over you and the other curls around your head to test your temperature.

"well, make sure i'm the first one to get the film. i don't want other people having access to it."

he nods, chin brushing your cheek. "of course. the muse always deserves a complementary copy."

you give him a shake of your head and reach around to press your hand to his face. "enough talk now."

his breath washes your skin with a smile. with the mouth-breathing and all-over bitter ache of the flu aside, you're content because nick is pressed behind you.

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