Chapter 1

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Working as a teacher on a high school has always been my dream, some people would think of me as weird because of that dream but that didn't change anything for me. When I was in my last year I found a spot for my final project at a school in Australia, the country I always wanted to move to. They were impressed by my skills and offered me a job as economics teacher, which meant that I would permanently move to Australia. Now, I've been working at this school for about seven years. The bell rung, meaning that the class was over and my last one for today would start soon. As the students left I cleaned my desk and grabbed the stuff that I needed for the next class, which was a small group, all of them in their last year. They walked in, sat down in their seats and I started the lesson.

The bell rang, signaling that the class was over. The students left and I started packing my bag. "Miss?" I turned around and saw Devan Ricciardo standing at my desk. I knew his father from Formula 1, as I've been a big fan of the sport since I was younger. And ofcourse also from the meetings I've had with parents over the past few years. He looked uncomfortable and he was fidgeting with his fingers. With a trembling hand he pointed to the assignments that they handed in a the beginning of the class, some of them already graded. "Have you, by any chance, already graded my assignment?" I sat down on my chair and went through the graded assignments, finding his. I gave it to him and he sighed deeply, bringing his hand up to his head and closing his eyes.

"Even though it's a 4/10, I can see that you've worked hard, Devan." His grades were dropping lately, none of the teachers knew why and he also hasn't given any sign of not being okay. But seeing him work this hard and still failing is very saddening. He slightly nodded and put the assignment back with the others. "If you want I can give you extra tutoring." He nodded again, his eyebrows knitted together.

"Would that cost much?" I shook my head. Why would I ask extra money to help him when I can clearly see him struggling? I already earn enough to keep myself healthy and have a roof over my head, so I don't see the exact reason to ask for more money.

"You don't have to pay anything.." His lips curled up in a smile.

"Thank you, miss, it means a lot!" He stepped forward, his arms opened a bit but then he backed out. I raised my eyebrow and he shook his head. "I wanted to hug you, sorry.." I stood up from my chair and walked closer to him.

"Come here." I pulled him into my arms, feeling his tensed muscles relax after a few seconds. "Is everything okay at school? At home?" He tensed again when I asked that. He let out a deep sigh and laid his head on my shoulder.

"My dad has a new girlfriend. She's clearly a golddigger and doesn't care  about me and dad doesn't want to see it, which cause us to argue a lot lately." Ahhh, there it is...

"And that's distracting you a lot?" He nodded in my shoulder.

"Yeah, and economics is just very hard at the moment." I softly whispered 'I know' when he chuckled slightly. "Why did you even study to become an economics teacher?" I playfully rolled my eyes as he pulled away from the hug and sat down on my desk.

"Well, I wanted to become a teacher and I was pretty good at economics when I was in high school, the other subjects pretty much sucked for me, then that decision is easily made." He laughed softly, not hearing me curse often, and nodded.

"Do we do the extra tutoring at school?" He asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I can also come to your house, if you want me to?" He nodded and scribbled his adres down on a note.

"Yeah, that's much better than this shit hole." I raised my eyebrows and he put his hand in front of his mouth. I chuckled and shook my head.

"I hated my high school too when I was in my last year." His features relaxed and a small smile was displaying on his lips.

"What day is fine with you?" He grabbed his phone to check his schedule.

"Well, tomorrow I'm free, since Wednesdays are my free days of the week." I replied and he nodded.

"That's fine with me. Every Wednesday from now on, right?" I nodded.

"Unless one of us is sick, or you don't feel like it.. Or if we both notice that it isn't necessary anymore." He put his thumbs up and wrote it down in his phone.

"Is 5 alright with you?" He asked and looked up from his phone.

"Perfect!" I smiled back at him.

First chapter of my new book.. Hope you like it!
I also want to thank ricciardoaf because she helped me with the cover for the book❤️ Go take a look at her works if you haven't already, they're amazing!

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