Chapter 5

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My alarm went off at nine o'clock and my hand instantly reached to it to turn it off. I carefully got out of bed and went into the bathroom, freshing myself up a little. After changing out of my pyjama I went downstairs and made myself some breakfast. Oh, I forgot to give Daniel his cloth back. It's still soaking in the sink from yesterday. I got it out and rinsed it, still a few stains in it. I'll wash it and then give it to Devan when he's here so he can give it to his dad. As I ate my breakfast I sat down at the table with my to-do list. Let's see what I can do.

-Prepare lessons
-Fix the shower curtain
-Hang pictures on the wall

Okay, the only thing I can't do is get myself my groceries as I can't drive and the nearest store is a forty-five minute drive. Oh, I need to tell Caitlyn that I can't do them. We often go together as we live near each other and do this to have our weekly catch up since she's got a busy work schedule.

Heyy, I'm sorry but I have to cancel our grocery-trip.. I broke my ankle yesterday and I can't drive nor stand up for a longer period.. I locked my phone after hitting send and placed my plate with the others that were still on the counter from yesterday. Going upstairs again I went into the bathroom, brushing my teeth and applying some make up. I turned the washing machine on after throwing the laundry in it and I went back downstairs, starting with the dishes. When I was done my phone beeped, a text from Caitlyn.

Just sent me your list, I'll get them for you and drop them off. It won't be a problem as I don't need much myself. Ahh she's just the sweetest! I took my grocery list from the clipboard and made a picture of it, sending it to her.

Cait, your incredible sweet! I'll make sure your favorite coffee is ready for when you drop them off. I locked my phone again, got the stuff that I needed to prepare tomorrow's classes and started with that.

That's two tasks down, four to go. Just as I laid the books that I needed for Devan's tutoring in the living room, the washing machine beeped, signaling that it was done. After I also got the stuff to fix my shower curtain I started climbing up the stairs again. I threw the laundry from the washing machine into the dryer before turning it on and turning my attention to the shower curtain. Last week I almost slipped in the shower, which caused me to yank on the curtain. Two of the rings that connected the curtain with the metal bar broke, so I needed to get new ones. I managed to replace the rings without hurting myself or further injuring my ankle, which is a huge miracle, and then went downstairs again.

Caitlyn could be here any minute so I prepared her favorite coffee and also some lunch as it's 12.30pm. As soon as I was done setting the table, the bell rang. I opened the door after waking as quick as possible and then moved out of the way so Caitlyn could come in.

"Hey, girl!" She smiled and hugged me. "Only you could pull of something like this..." She gestured to my cast and I nodded, a proud smile on my face.

"I know!" We both started to laugh and we got the groceries to the kitchen. "I also made you some lunch, if you're hungry." I said while putting the groceries away. When I was done I sat down next to her, starting to eat my lunch as well. "Thanks again, for helping me out."

"Anytime, [Y/N], I know that if I were in a similar situation, you would've done the same." She took a sip of her coffee and hummed in enjoyment. "How did you actually break it?"

"Well, I went on my Tuesday morning run and when I came into the park I tripped over a branch.." She pulled a face, showing that she could imagine the pain. "But I did get help to get to the hospital and such." She sat up a bit and leaned more towards me.

"Was he cute?" She asked and I hummed slightly in response. I've got to be honest and Daniel is cute but also very handsome. "Do you know his name?"

"It was Daniel Ricciardo." My face heated up a bit and Caitlyn's eyes widened.

"Gurl, tell me everything!" She grabbed my hands and pulled them towards her in excitement.

"Well, he just helped me. You know that he's the father of one of my students, right?" She closed her eyes.

"Oh yeah, you've told me about that. I guess I forgot." I laughed and she joined in too.

"But I think I'll see him more often as I'm giving his son some extra tutoring." I poured some more coffee in my own mug and gestured if she wanted more too. She nodded and I poured some more in her mug as well.

"That's very nice of you, [Y/N]. I wish some of my teachers gave me extra tutoring when I was still a student." Caitlyn sighed and took a sip of her coffee. "Any plans for the rest of the day?" She asked.

"I still have to do some cleaning and I want to put up those pictures before Devan comes for his tutoring." I replied and she nodded. "What about you?"

"Oh well, I have to do some stuff for work and then I'll go to Ryan to spent a few days at his."

"Ahh, lovely! Say hi to him for me." They've been dating for two years now and they're the cutest couple I've ever seen.

"What about you, still single?" She asked as I stood up to put the plates away and clean the table a bit.

"Yeah, I'm not really looking for a relationship.. But if I meet someone and stuff happens, I'll gladly take it. Things are still pretty hard after Bradley." She nodded, a look of sympathy on her face.

"I'm sure you'll one day meet the person who gives you the love you deserve." She stood up to hug me and I wrapped my arms around her tightly, enjoying her warm embrace. "I do have to go now, as I still have to do some things before leaving to Ryan's and I don't want to leave that late as they're predicting a pretty bad storm for tonight." We let go of each other but I still held onto her arms.

"Yeah, sure, no problem! Thanks again for helping me with the groceries!" We walked towards the door. "Have fun at Ryan's!" She smiled and hugged me one last time.

"Thank you! We should go out together with everyone once your ankle is better again." She said and I nodded.

"We definitely should! We'll text about it in the group chat!" I waved at her once she got in her car. She waved back before starting the engine and making her way back home. I closed the door behind me and made my way back in my living room. I grabbed the frames with pictures and placed them around the room. The dryer then started to beep, so I got the laundry out of it and hang it on the washing rack before starting to clean my home.

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