Chapter 2

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Pressing the doorbell I let out a soft sigh, feeling a bit out of place in the richer part of town. The lock turned and then the door opened, revealing Devan.

"Hey! Come on in!" He stepped away from the door and closed it behind me.

"Thanks!" I looked around the spacious living room that extended into a dining area. One of the walls was decorated with shelves which had books standing on them, making it a gigantic bookshelf. "You're house is nice." He nodded.

"Sometimes I wish it was smaller though, because my friends always want to hang out at mine and it's annoying." He shook his head slightly and led me towards the dining table. I put my bag on the surface and got some of his recent assignments out of it. "Do you want to drink something?" He asked, while I was putting everything down.

"No, I'm good, thanks." He nodded at my response and sat down on the chair next to mine.

"Okay, so I revised your assignments again to see if there were some mistakes that you often made, so we can go through those this time and for next time you pick something that you're struggling with. Is that okay?" He nodded, picked the pile of papers up and spread them over the surface of the table.

As we were going through the assignments and points that I found, I heard the front door open. A blonde woman about my age walked in with a big bag filled with, what looks like, groceries. Her eyebrows furrowed a little when she noticed me and put the bag on the floor before turning to Devan.

"Olivia, this is my economics teacher miss [L/N], she'll give me extra tutoring because the subject is pretty difficult at the moment." I stood up from my chair and offered her my hand, which she took and shook it.

"I'm [Y/N]!" She nodded as I told her my first name.

"I'm Olivia, the housekeeper.." I nodded and looked at the bag of groceries.

"Do you need help with that? It looks pretty heavy..." I offered as I took in the sweat that was on her forehead.

"That would be nice, thank you!" Together we lifted the bag and carried it to the kitchen, Devan also helping to put the groceries away. When we were done in the kitchen we returned to the table and finished the last bits of work.

It was around six when we were done and as I was packing the door opened again. Daniel Ricciardo walked into the living room and looked at us sitting at the dining table. He frowned and walked over to us, while I stood up. Does he remember me or not? I don't think he does, as he sees so many people every day.

"You're one of his teachers, right?" I nodded. Ohh, he does recognize me, sort of.. "Sorry, but I forgot your name..."

"[Y/N] [L/N], I'm Devan's economics teacher." He nodded and looked at his son who was still sitting in his chair.

"Is there a problem?" Daniel looked back at me and I directed my gaze to Devan. I guess he hasn't told his father yet about the extra tutoring.

"She's just helping me, dad. Economics has been getting pretty hard lately and I've asked her for extra help." His face became slightly red, probably feeling a bit ashamed to say this to his father. Daniel was nodding his head when I turned my attention back to him and he looked at his watch before looking up at me.

"Why don't you stay for dinner? It should be done in a few minutes and I'd like to get to know you better. Just to know who my son is going to be around a bit more." He asked and looked at Devan for a moment.

"I really don't want to be a burden, sir.." I replied and Daniel scoffed.

"You won't be! I invited you.." I looked at Devan who smiled at me and then I looked back at Daniel, a similar smile on his lips.

"Okay, I'll stay for dinner." I smiled and sat down on the chair again. Daniel sat down on the chair that was at the head of the table and Olivia walked in with plates and cutlery. She put it down and I smiled up at her. She walked back to the kitchen to come back with a bowl filled with roasted vegetables and a plate with steak on it. Devan filled his plate first and when I went to grab the spoon, Daniel did too and our hands touched. A spark jolted through my body and we both pulled our hands back.

"Sorry." We spoke in unison and my face heated up, probably bright red now.

"Ladies first." Daniel said while gesturing for me to grab the spoon. Filling my plate with food, I could feel my heart rate slowly getting back to it's normal one.

"Isn't Valentina eating with us today, dad?" Devan asked before taking a bite of his vegetables. Is Valentina Daniel's new girlfriend? Well, I guess so. It isn't even my business.

"Yeah, she's having dinner with her parents today." Daniel answered and Devan nodded, looking slightly relieved.

"So, [Y/N], what got you into teaching?" I looked up from my plate after just putting food in my mouth. As I held a hand in front of my mouth I looked at Daniel, who had a small smile playing on his lips. I quickly chew on the food and swallowed once the pieces where small enough.

"Well, I really love to work with kids since I was younger and I love to explain things to people, so I kinda put two of them together and that became teaching." He nodded, taking a sip from his glass of water.

"And why economics?" He leaned a bit forward on his elbows that rested on the table.

"It's what I was best at and liked the most when I was still in high school." He nodded and looked at his watch, his eyes slightly widening.

"Excuse me, but I have a flight to catch and I still need to pack a few things.." He got up from the table and walked upstairs. I put my cutlery on my plate and turned to Devan, who was also done eating. I grabbed the plates and walked into the kitchen, seeing Olivia sitting at the little kitchen island and eating her dinner. Why doesn't she actually eats at the dining table?

"Oh, just leave it on the table. I'll grab it when I'm done myself." She pointed to her plate with her fork and smiled sweetly.

"I like to help!" I smiled back at her and looked around the kitchen. "Is there a dishwasher?" She nodded and pointed to one of the cabins. I opened it and put the plates and cutlery in it, walking back to the dining table to get the bowl and other plate. Devan was sitting on the couch on his phone, barely looking up from it when I walked back into the room. I went back into the kitchen, putting everything in the dishwasher.

"Thank you, miss." Olivia said as she put her plate in the dishwasher.

"Just call me [Y/N], no need to be formal with me." She nodded shyly and closed the dishwasher, turning it on as well. "I guess I should get going." I turned to Olivia, softly placing a hand on her arm. "The food was delicious!" Her cheeks reddened and she looked at the floor, probably to hide her blushing.

"Thank you, [Y/N]!" I smiled and walked back to the living room, lifting my bag up and swung it over my shoulder. At that moment, Daniel came back downstairs, a suitcase beside him.

"Thanks for inviting me for dinner." I looked at him. He nodded his head and Devan looked up from his phone.

"It wasn't a problem!" Devan stood up from the couch and walked over to me, handing me a small note.

"It's my phone number, for when we need to let each other know something about the tutoring or anything." I nodded and put the note in my pocket.

"Okay, I'll see you Friday." He nodded and I turned to his father. "Goodluck this weekend!" A frown appeared on his face for a second.

"You watch Formula 1?" I nodded at him.

"Yeah, since I was really young." I smiled and he returned it.

"Well, thank you, [Y/N]!" He walked to the kitchen and Devan led me to the front door. We said our goodbyes and I started my walk back to my own house.

Teacher | Daniel Ricciardo Where stories live. Discover now