Chapter 6

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Once I got rid off all the things on my list, I sat myself down on the couch with a nice cup of tea. It will be around two hours until Devan gets here so I can watch some of the show I'm currently hooked on.

As the credits if the second episode started to to roll, the bell rang. There's Devan! I turned the TV off and went to the front door, opening it up for him.

"Do you want to drink something?" I asked while he sat his bag down next to the table.

"Uhh, yeah, some tea would be nice. It's getting cold outside." I nodded and out the kettle up, getting one mug from the cupboard. I tried to reach for the box with tea, but I couldn't reach it due to my leg. "Here, let me help you." I moved away from the cabin and he reached for the box, getting it and taking out a little bag of tea before placing the box back in the cabin.

"Thanks!" I said as I poured the hot water in the mug, also refilling mine. We sat down at the table and started with the tutoring.

Once we were done it was around seven. "You can stay here for dinner if you want? It's already pretty late and if you head home first it will be even later when you have dinner..." I said while putting our mugs in the sink, also grabbing the cloth so I could give it to Devan before I could forget.

"Uhh, yeah sure! That would be nice!" He smiled and I saw his eyes flicker to the cloth in my hands.

"It's your father's, actually. He used it to stop my cut from bleeding and I forgot to give it back to him, so I figured I would give it to you and you could give it to him." He nodded and put the cloth in his bag after I gave it to him. "Are you allergic to anything? Just asking before you're laying dead on the floor because of my food." I said jokingly. He laughed and shook his head.

"No, I'm not allergic to anything." I nodded and grabbed all the ingredients and pans that I needed. "I'm just going to work on some homework for tomorrow while you're cooking, if that's alright.." I turned to him and smiled.

"Yeah, sure! No problem! If you need help with something just ask." He got some books out of his bag and started to work while I turned back to the counter. "Is it okay if I put on some soft music?" I looked over my shoulder to see him nodding.

"Yeah, it's cool! I most of the time listen to music while doing my homework, so I should be fine." He turned his attention back to his books and I grabbed my phone from the counter, pressing the play button in my playlist. I started to cut the ingredients and put them in the pans when necessary. After everything was put into the pans, I cleaned the counter while humming slightly along the song. When I was done with that I sat down on one of the chairs, my leg weighing a bit down on me now. I let myself rest until dinner was almost ready, getting up to set the table. I filled the plates and when I turned around to place them onto the table, Devan closed his last book. "Perfect timing!" He smiled as I placed the plate in front of him. "It smells amazing, miss!"

"Thanks!" I sat myself down on the chair across from him. "Oh and just call me [Y/N] if you want to.. I don't really like to be called miss." He laughed and nodded.

"Will do!" We started eating and didn't speak for a couple of minutes.

"So, got any plans for the upcoming break?" I asked and he looked up from his plate. In three weeks time, the school would have a two week spring break and I'm really looking forward to it.

"Yeah, I'm going to attend a race with my dad and then spend some time with my grandparents during the first week. During the second week Valentina's parents will fly in and stay at ours for a couple of days." His nose scrunched up at the last part. I nodded and swallowed the bite I just took.

"You really don't like her, do you?" He shook his head.

"All she ever does is boss people around and get my dad to buy her expensive stuff. She once got him to buy her a 250 dollar cream that she never even used!" He exclaimed while waving his hands through the air. "Dad just deserves someone that really loves him and not just for his money or his fame." He said with a sad smile on his lips.

"I'm sure he'll find that person one day." I carefully smiled and grabbed his hand from across the table, squeezing it softly.

"Anyway, do you got some plans for spring break?" He asked after a moment of silence.

"Yeah, I'm going to visit my family back home. I'm really excited to see them again!" He nodded.

"Do you have a big family?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"It's just my dad and I've got two siblings, one older sister and I've got a twin brother." Devan sat up in his chair and leaned on his arms.

"Oh cool! How is it like to be twins?" I sighed softly and diverted my eyes to my hands. Should I tell him or will I get too personal then? "Did I ask something wrong?" I looked back up and shook my head.

"Not really, it's just that we used to be triplets. But my other brother was diagnosed with cancer about eight years ago and passed away after two years of hard fighting." He grabbed my hand like I did just a couple of minutes before.

"I'm sorry..." I smiled and shook my head.

"It's fine, you didn't know." He let go of my hand again. "But yeah, it was fun to be triplets, now twins. We used to pull a lot of pranks on people and were just a handful to my parents." I laughed at the memories of some pranks resurfaced.

"What kind of pranks did you do?" Devan asked while finishing up the last bit of food on his plate.

"Just a bit of classic ones, like attaching a small string to a wallet or something like that." Devan laughed and I got up from my seat, grabbing our plates as I was done as well.

"The food was really good, [Y/N], thanks for letting me have dinner here!" I put the plates in the sink and turned to him.

"Thanks, it wasn't a big deal!" I turned back and looked out of the window. It's raining really hard and big puddles were already formed. "It's pouring outside... If you want to you could stay here until it passes, then I won't get home completely soaked." I said, while turning around to Devan. As I did, a loud bang came from outside, seconds before everything turned pitch black.

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