Chapter 9

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It's good to be home! I'm mean, I love my family but Australia does feel like home to me. I arrived yesterday morning and basically didn't do anything, which meant I have to do groceries today because there isn't anything to eat. I grabbed my phone and texted Caitlyn to see if she needed groceries as well and if we could go together. Let's do some cleaning while waiting for her reply. I grabbed my phone and put some music on, swaying my hips while cleaning. I'm excited to get my cast of this afternoon, so I can finally move like before.

My phone beeped just as I was done cleaning. Ah! It's Caitlyn!

Girlll, I literally just wanted to text you! Is it okay if I pick you up in 20?

I smiled and nodded to myself before replying. That's perfect! Grabbing a pen and piece of paper, I walked to the kitchen to get myself a list of groceries. The twenty minutes went quickly and I hopped in her car almost instantly when she pulled up.

"Gurl, I've got so much to tell you!" Cait exclaimed before I even settled in the seat.

"Whoah, okay girl, tell me!" She turned the radio down and I turned towards her, even though she was facing the road.

"Ryan and I are going to buy a house together!" Oh wow!

"Really? That's so cool!" I beamed and she was smiling like crazy. "Do you already have something in mind?"

"Yeah, we do! There's this house in Fremantle and we have a pretty big chance at getting it." She showed me some pictures once she parked the car.

"Oh wow, it looks lovely!" She smiled and we got out of the car, getting a cart and started to get our groceries.

It happened when Caitlyn was getting some dairy products and I guarded the cart. Someone bumped into me.

"Look where you're going, brat!" A high pitched woman's voice called out behind me so I turned around.

"I wasn't going anywhere, just standing here waiting for my friend." I bit back to the blonde woman. Just that moment Daniel came walking towards us.

"Did you find it, Valentina?" Ahh, so this is Valentina huh? I get why Devan doesn't like her, the coldness is radiating off of her. "Oh hey [Y/N]!" Daniel said and waved.

"Hey!" I waved back and Valentina glared at me. Oh gosh, can't she just poof away?

"Back from vacation?" Daniel moved closer to me and I nodded.

"Yeah! It was great to spend some time with my family!" I said happily, remembering the moments I spend with them.

"I can imagine!" He smiled and looked down. "When is your cast coming off?" He asked and I saw Caitlyn from the corner of my eye.

"This afternoon actually, which I'm happy about!" He laughed.

"Handsome, I need to get some stuff for masks.. I will be right back." Valentina chimed and while clamping herself onto Daniel, before walking off.

"How are you going to get to the hospital?" Daniel asked after he looked after Valentina while she walked away.

"Oh, I was planning on calling a cab." Why would he ask that? Probably to be nice..

"I could bring you if you want to, saves you some money." Owhh, that's sweet! But I don't want to burden him... He probably has lots of stuff to do. "I'm free this afternoon, so it won't be a problem." He said after I kept quiet.

"That's really sweet, Daniel, but you don't have to.."

"I want to!" He kept on going. I'm going to lose this, aren't I? I think I already did. "When is the appointment?"

"At four.." Might as well just go along with it now.

"Then I'll pick you up at 3.30!" Daniel smiled and turned around as Valentina called for him. "I'll see you!"

"Yeah, bye!" I replied, slightly waving to him before he walked off.

"Do you want to come in for some coffee?" I asked Daniel when he parked his car in front of my house again. My cast was off quickly and it's so good to have my leg free again. The doctor said I still need to be careful because my ankle has to adjust again to pressure.

"Yeah, sure!" He turned the engine off and we got out of the car. I unlocked the door and we walked in. Daniel sitting down on the couch and I went to the kitchen. I placed my cast on the table, laughing at the things Quinty drew on it. Because of the drawings I had asked the doctor if I could keep it, which I could. Grabbing two mugs from the cupboard, I smiled at the singing that suddenly came from the living room. What a dork is he! I walked back to the living room after I poured the coffee into the mugs and saw him standing at the drawer, holding a picture frame. He turned around when I placed the mugs on the small table and held up the picture.

"You have kids?" He asked and I looked at the picture. It was a picture taken shortly after Rowan, Evan and I were born.

"Ohh, no, I don't.." I smiled at him. "It's a picture of my brothers and I just after we were born." He looked at the picture again and smiled, before placing it back on the drawer.

"Triplets?" I nodded and Daniel sat down next to me. "Must be though for your parents.." He smiled and I laughed.

"Yeah, especially because they already had a child." Daniel looked shocked, which made me laugh even more.

"Pfff, I'm already having a rough time with one.." He shook his head before taking his mug from the table.

"Nahh, you're doing a great job!" I said as I pulled my knees up to my chest, sitting in a more comfy position. Holding my mug between my hands I looked at Daniel. He doesn't really believe me. "Seriously, for a single dad you raised him well!"

"I've been in a relationship the past few months..." He pointed out and I nodded.

"I know that, but you weren't dating anyone during his younger years so.." I took a sip and Daniel nodded.

"Yeah, okay, that's true." He took a sip as well. "Did he discuss anything that bothers him lately?"

"Not really, the last time I spoke to him was when he was here for his last tutoring, which was two weeks ago, and then he didn't talk about things that bothered him." Daniel nodded and I laid my hand on his shoulder. "Do you think there's something bothering him?"

"I don't know, he just seems a little distant when he's at home." He shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm sure he's fine!" I said and shivered as a cold wind blew through the windows. Let's grab a blanket! I leaned forward on the couch so I could place my mug on the table, when the mug bumped into the table and spilled all coffee. "Oh shoot!" Oh boy.. Why am I so clumsy? I stood up and placed the blanket on the couch for when I came back. I made my way to the kitchen and got paper towels to clean up the spilled coffee.

When I came back from throwing away the coffee soaked paper towels, Daniel was holding the blanket open for me. As I sat down on the couch, he wrapped his arms and the blanket around my shoulders. Except, he didn't make a move to stop hugging me. I leaned into his side and smiled at him, which he was doing too. Oh boy, he's so cuteee! I'm trying so hard to not kiss him right here, right now... My head was now laying on his shoulder and he rested his head against mine. We sat there in silence for who knows how long, just enjoying each others presence.

This is a bit of a filler chapter, well, atleast it feels like one to me. Just like the coming up chapters, so I'm going to reread the chapters the coming week and make a plan for this book.
Hope you still like it tho!

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