Chapter 16

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It's been a few weeks since Daniel and I kissed in my classroom. We haven't talked about it, but we still see each other often. I've seen Devan less often. We decided to stop the extra tutoring as it wasn't necessary anymore. The boys both moved back to their home after they stayed a few days at mine. I really miss them though, it's a bit hard to be all by myself again when you've spent a few weeks living with others. Guess I have to get used to that now..

During the day I had got some messages from an unknown number, most of them contained words like slut, tramp, etc. It wasn't really bothering me up until last period. My phone had beeped about every two minutes and the texts slowly became threats. I had just put my phone on silence and continued teaching but now that the students are gone and I'm reading them it really starts to kick in. Who the heck could this be? What do they even want from me?

Who are you?

I texted and put my phone on my desk. "Everything okay?" OMG, I thought I was alone in here.. I looked up and saw Devan standing in the doorframe. "Sorry, did I scare you?" He laughed and I nodded. "Yeah, you did." I laughed now as well. "But.. What's wrong?" Devan asked and I sighed.

"Somebody has been sending me messages all day.." I grabbed my phone, unlocked it and gave it to Devan after I opened the chat. He read the messages and handed my phone back to me. "That's really weird.." I nodded in agreement.

"I also don't really know what to do.." I said and Devan nodded. "If the person keeps on sending you those messages I would go to the police.. They're actually threatening you and I don't want you to get hurt." I hugged him. "You're so sweet, Devan! If it goes on for too long then I'll go to the police." I said and then let go of him. "You promise?"

"I promise!"


"Dad, I'm home!" I shouted as I closed the door behind me. "I'll be there in a second." He called from upstairs. Olivia came out of the kitchen with three plates.

"I made your favorite cake!" She said and placed the three plates on the coffee table. Dad walked down the stairs and we all sat down on the couch. "Thank you, Olivia!"

"How was your day at school today?" Dad asked before he put some of the cake in his mouth. "It was okay, just preparing for some exams." He nodded. "How are you feeling about them?" Oliva turned to me and showed me one of her sweet smiles.

"Most of them I'm pretty positive about, economics is a bit tricky but [Y/N] really helped a lot. So, I'm a bit less scared about it." Olivia nodded and her eyes widened. "Maybe we could invite [Y/N] over sometime soon, it's been a while since I saw her.." Dad became all red and shy when she said that. "Ohh, don't hide it, sir! You like her and I'm pretty sure you want her to come over too!" Dad looked at the floor, trying to hide his face. I've never seen him like this before... I like this side of him. He never showed his 'affectioned' side when he was with Valentina. He looked up again and the red spots in his face already had softened.

"Yeah, we can invite her.." He looked at me quickly. "Did you see her today?" I nodded. "I had economics last period and then I stayed after class to talk to her.. She seemed really distracted and distressed during class." Dad's eyes instantly were sharp and he sat up in the couch. "Is she doing okay?"

"Not really... She's been having texts from this unknown number. Some of them are threats.. She promised me to go to the police if it keeps going on for longer." I said, hopefully the last bit would calm dad down a bit. "That's a coincidence.. I've been getting messages all day too.." Dad said and whipped his phone out of his pocket. He handed me his phone after unlocking it and going to the chat. Olivia read with me over my shoulders.

"The texts are pretty similar.. And I think it's the same number.. Let me ask her what the phone number is." I grabbed my phone and went to call [Y/N] when I saw a few messages from her.

Devan, the texts are getting worse..

I don't feel safe.. They know where I live...

Please inform your dad about this.. His name has been in some of the texts and I'm scared that they'll hurt him..

I want to go to the police but I'm scared to go out of my house... I locked every door and all of the windows...

"Dad.. Look at this.." I gave him my phone and he read the messages. His mouth fell open in shock and he instantly dialed her number.

"Hey, no, it's me, Daniel.." He said. "No, no.. Don't cry, darling, everything will be alright.." He bit his lip, proving to me that it was difficult to hear her like this. "Can you do something for me? Can you read the phone number out loud?" He asked her in a soft tone. "I've been getting messages as well, I want to check if it's the same person.." I handed him his phone so he could see the number. He nodded. "Okay, [Y/N], it's the same number. We should report this to the police..." He waited for a response, but apparently he didn't get one. "[Y/N]?" Okay, she answered as dad looked really relieved. "Don't open the door, I'll come over through the backdoor, then we can look at the box together.." Box? What box? "Okay, I'll be there in 15 minutes." He hung up and gave me my phone back.

"Someone rang the doorbell and now there's a box on her doorstep.. I'm going to hers and try to calm her down so we can go to the police." Dad hugged me and then he hugged Olivia. "I want you two to stay inside and lock all the windows and doors, just to be sure." He said in a stern voice and Olivia and I nodded. "Only answer your phone if it's me or [Y/N] calling." He said before walking to the door. "I love you." Then, he was gone.

So, I was supposed to get this chapter up yesterday but then I felt sick and couldn't write. But now I feel better and here you go! I hope you liked it!

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