Chapter 17

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"[Y/N], I'm here.." I said after I walked into the house. I locked the door behind me and I saw [Y/N] sitting on the couch, trembling. I instantly walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her. "I'm here." She completely turned into a koala and wrapped both her arms and legs around me. "We're going to be okay, alright?" She hesitantly nodded but still held a firm grip on me. "Do you have any gloves? If the box is from the texter then we can use it as evidence when we go to the police.."

"In my drawer." She choked out and pointed in it's direction. My heartstrings pulled in every direction to see her like this... My eyes became teary, but I need to keep myself strong for [Y/N] now. If she sees me having a meltdown, she would only panic more... I picked her up in a way that she could still koala around me and that I still have one of my hands free to open the drawer. I walked over to it and opened the first. Ah, here they are! "Do you want me to grab the box?" She nodded but still held onto me. "But I want to be near you, so you don't technically are grabbing it alone." She said and I nodded.

"I do have to put you down for a bit, is that okay?" She kept silent for a bit but then nodded. "You can koala me again when we got it." I said and she slightly blushed. She's so adorable. Okay, no time to think about how cute she is, we need to get that box. I set [Y/N] on the floor and put the gloves on. We walked to the front door together and I opened it carefully after [Y/N] unlocked it. The area still seems the same.. It's a small wooden box.. A note taped to it. I quickly picked it up and went back inside, closing the door and [Y/N] locked it again. Ugh, this box smells.. I placed it on the table and took the note of it. I unfolded it and started to read out loud.

"Dear [Y/N],

This is proof that I know where you live. This is a warning. Stay away from Daniel or bad things will happen to him and Devan. Bad things would happen to you too, if you want to know what; open this box.

Hate you to pieces.


"I don't want bad things to happen to you and Devan.." [Y/N] said with a trembling voice and her eyes started to glisten. "Ssssh, nothing will happen to us. I promise you that." I kissed her on the top of her head and tightly hugged her. "Shall we open the box?" I asked her and she reluctantly nodded. "Be careful." I slowly took the lid of the box. [Y/N] started to scream beside me and I put the lid back on it as soon as possible. That is flipping disgusting... I wrapped my arms around [Y/N], trying to get her to stop screaming. Her breathing became uneven, so I placed her head on my chest. "Breath with me..." We kept on doing this until she had calmed down a bit. We seriously need to go to the police with this. Who the freaking F would put a freaking cut off hand in a box and sent it to someone? Who is trying to mess with us?

"Okay, I think I'm a bit more calm now.." [Y/N]'s voice was soft and unsteady, but it was stronger than when I got here. "We really should go to the police, this V-person seems serious about the threats.." I nodded and then my phone started to ring. I took one of the gloves off and grabbed it from my pocket. Devan... I picked up and held the phone to my ear.

"Dad, you need to come home as soon as possible.." Devan said with a panicking voice. "What's going on, Devan?" I asked while quickly putting him on speaker so [Y/N] could hear as well. "Our house.. It's on fire.." Is he being serious? This can't be happening... First those texts, then that freaking hand and now my own home? [Y/N] grabbed the phone out of my hand, I guess I took to long to reply. "We're in our way." She said and then hung up. She grabbed my car keys and nodded to the box. "Put that glove back on and grab that box. There's a big chance police is going to be there and then we can show them the box and the texts, maybe those are related to the fire." I did as she said and she walked to my car with something I haven't seen often in her eyes apart from when she's in a serious work-mode; determination.

We arrived at my house and [Y/N] turned the engine off. I couldn't take my eyes of the building, well, what was left of it. An ambulance was standing on the porch and Devan was standing next to it, talking to a police officer. We got out of the car and walked over to them.

"Sir, miss, you're not allowed to be here." The officer said, trying to wave us away. "I'm the owner of the house." I said in a stern voice and from the corner of my eye I saw Devan and [Y/N] hugging each other. "What happened?"

"We're pretty sure that somebody set the house on fire." The officer said and I instantly looked at [Y/N]. "We don't know if this is related to the fire, but my girlfriend and I have been getting some texts today from an unknown number. Some of them were signed with 'V' and my girlfriend got this box on her doorstep half an hour ago, also signed with 'V'. I think it's my ex-girlfriend. She has tried to frame me a little while ago." I said and the officer nodded. "Well, there was a note that was signed with 'V'." He said and he showed me the note. That's the same handwriting as the note from the box.. "Can I see your phones and that box?" I nodded and [Y/N] handed her phone to him after unlocking it. Why is her face so red? Is she embarrassed of something? He went through the texts and then got some gloves so he could grab the box from me.

"There's a hand in it as a 'warning'." I told the officer and he called another one over. They took a look at the box and the note and then they asked for my phone. I gave it to them and they went through the texts. They whispered something to each other and then nodded. "We'll take your phones and the box to the police station for further investigation. Is that okay?" [Y/N] and I nodded. "Is there a number we can reach you on if we need to?" Devan gave his phone number to them.

"Where's Olivia actually?" [Y/N] asked and then it hit me. I haven't seen her since we got here. "She was in the kitchen making dinner when the fire reached the gas conductor and exploded. She's in the ambulance that was here minutes ago on her way to the hospital."

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