Chapter 3

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Tuesday came around quick, luckily. Only having classes after lunch means that I always have the morning to myself. Usually, I would go on a run and then have a long shower. Taking the last bite of my breakfast, I put the dish in the sink and went upstairs to get my running gear. After putting them on I got my phone and plugged my earphones in. As I pressed play, I walked out of the door and locked it. I made my way to the park, the route around the lake there being my favorite. A lot of other people would run this route during this our of the day, but today it was quiet. I looked over the lake and the next moment I was laying on the ground. A sharp pain settled in my right ankle and something was running down my temple. I wiped it away and looked at it once I was able to push myself up a bit. A red streak covered my hand, blood. I turned around and carefully sat up, feeling a bit dizzy. On the path was a thick branch, the reason why I tripped.

"Are you okay?" A voice came from behind me. The person now at my side and I looked up, seeing that it was Daniel. "Hey..." He looked a bit surprised to see me.

"Hey." He bend through his knees and laid his hand on my arm.

"Are you okay?" He repeated his question and I carefully shook my head. The pain in my ankle even worse now.

"I'm dizzy and my ankle hurts like hell.." He nodded and carefully turned my head.

"You've got a pretty big cut on your temple as well." He got something from his pocket and pressed it against my head. I guess it's a cloth or something, as the fabric is really soft. "Can you hold it? Then I can check your ankle." I reached my hand up to the cloth and our hands touched, a joilt of energy going through mine again, just like last Wednesday. I pressed against it and Daniel let go of the cloth, moving to my ankle. He carefully rolled up my leggings around my right ankle. My ankle was blue and purple, also immensely swollen. Daniel softly touched the flesh, a sharp pain shooting through my body and making me hiss. "I think we need to get it checked by a doctor.." Daniel announced and I nodded at him. I tried to get up, but my ankle didn't let me. Daniel shook his head and put his hand on my shoulder. "I'll carry you." He lifted me up bridal style and I wrapped one of my arm around his shoulders for extra support.

"I think my house is closer.." I said as he walked out of the park. My head started to pound as I was guiding him to my house. We arrived after about twenty minutes, normally it would take about ten, but now Daniel was slowed down by my weight. I unlocked the door, still being held by Daniel, and he walked in. He put me down on my couch and went to the hall to call a doctor. Blood was still coming out of the cut and my ankle was still swollen. I carefully sat up on the couch and got up, standing on one foot and holding onto the coffee table for extra support. Using my furniture as sort of crutches, I made my way to the kitchen. I grabbed a fresh cloth and made it wet with lukewarm water, pressing that one now on the cut to clean the skin around it. Daniel's cloth was now soaked in blood, so I filled the sink with water and some cleaning powder before laying the cloth in it. As it was soaking, I grabbed a cool pack from the freezer and wrapped it around my ankle. The dizziness came back when I did so and I could feel my body falling a bit forward, vision starting to get blurry.

"Whoah Whoah, what are you doing?" I heard Daniel behind me and then I felt his hands on my waist.

"Just getting a clean cloth and a cool pack." He picked me up and sat me down on one of the chairs.

"You should've waited for me, you were almost falling over!" I sighed, not in the mood to talk about this.

"What did the doctor say?" I asked and looked at him, sitting crouched in front of me.

"That we should go to the hospital to get an x-ray and that they would check the cut too." He replied and I nodded. Daniel helped me up and carried me to my car, snatching the car keys from it's hook on the way to it. He helped me get in the passenger seat and got behind te wheel himself. He started the engine and started to drive to the hospital.

"What were you actually doing in the park?" I asked as I tried to hold my ankle as still as possible.

"I like to take walks there to kinda clear my head." He replied and I nodded.

"The park is my favorite place to go to for a run." He started to chuckle softly before speaking up.

"I guess that it's a one sided love." I started to laugh as well.

"Yeah, I guess so. Maybe I need to find a place that will have a both sided love." He chuckled even more before shaking his head slightly. We drove over a bump, which caused my foot to slam onto the floor of my car. Pain shot through my body again and I let out a loud squeal.

"Oh my, I'm sorry!" He started to drive a bit slower and we arrived at the hospital after about fifteen minutes. When we got inside, Daniel put me in a wheelchair so he didn't have to carry me around the hospital. The wheelchair is nice, but I do miss his warm touch. We got to the right department and Daniel put me next to the waiting chairs.

"I'll be right back, just need to use the restroom. If they call for you while I'm gone, just go, okay?" I nodded and off he goes. I grabbed my phone to text my sister, who broke her left ankle while she was on a run about two weeks ago, what a freaking coincidence. Just as I pressed send someone called out my name. I looked up and saw a nurse in a doorframe. She smiled and walked over to me, rolling the wheelchair into the room and helping me get my leg out of my leggings. I climbed onto the bed and they took a few pictures. The nurse helped me back into my leggings and in the wheelchair before wheeling me to a doctors office.

"We're going to look at the pictures while he examines your cut." She walked away and the doctor turned to me. I removed the cloth from my head, luckily the bleeding has stopped now, and the doctor started to examine the cut.

"It's pretty deep, I think that the best option for it to heal is to stitch it." I nodded as he grabbed his stuff and started to stitch it. When he was done he put an extra bandage over it to prevent dirt from coming in the wound for the first few days and gave me some pills for the dizziness before he wheeled me back to the waiting room, where Daniel was sitting on one of the chairs.

"Thank you!" I said as the doctor walked away again and Daniel looked at the bandage on my temple. "It's stitched..."

"Ouch.. Didn't that hurt?" He asked while turning in his seat so he faces me.

"Not really, lucky enough." I smiled at him which he returned. The nurse came back in the waiting room.

"Your ankle is broken, so we need to get a cast around it for about six weeks for it to heal."

"Okay.." She walked with Daniel and me to the room where they would put a cast around it. It was done quickly and they handed me a pair of crutches which I could use to support myself while walking. Daniel and I went back to the car, slowly as I still needed to get hand of the crutches. Daniel helped me in the passenger seat again and got in the driver's seat before he drove us back to my house.

I got back from Hungary yesterday and the weekend was so amazing! Now I'm slowly getting back to writing and updating so here's a new chapter for this book

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