Chapter 8

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As I've already told in the A/N I'm sorry for the long hiatus, but I'm going to try to pick up where I left things and continue this book. Thanks for your patience and I hope you like it!

Taking my suitcase off the carousel, I let out a sigh. I can't wait to see my family! The vacation came around quickly and when it did, my plane left early, letting me reunite with my family. My cast can get off the weekend before my vacation ends, but luckily I got a 'shoe' now so I can sort of walk with it and don't have to walk with crutches every second of the day.

As I got to the arrival hall my I instantly spotted my sister, brother-in-law and my little niece who jumped up when she saw me. "Hello, Quinty!" I bent down and wrapped my arms around her.

"Auntie [Y/N]!" She wrapped her arms around my neck, so I lifted her up and sat her on my hip while turning to my sister. I pulled her in for a hug and saw a small tear fell from her eye.

"I missed you so much, [Y/N]!" She sighed in the hug and rested her head on my shoulder.

"I missed you too, Teresa!" Her husband took me in for a hug after Teresa and I let go of each other.

"It's good to see you!" He smiled and grabbed my suitcase for me. "Shall we go to the house?" He asked and Quinty nodded heavily. She wiggled in my arms so I put her down on the floor and she grabbed my hand. We walked to Teresa's car and made our way to my parental house, which was big enough to let us all stay there. Teresa sat in the passenger seat, Kevin behind the wheel and Quinty and I sat in the back.

"When was your cast allowed to get off?" I asked Teresa, as it wasn't around her leg anymore. She turned to me and smiled.

"Two days ago! I still have to be careful with it though, that's why I'm not driving." I nodded, smiling at her. "When is yours allowed to?"

"Two days after I come back home, just before I need to teach again." She nodded and turned back in her seat. Quinty grabbed hold of my hand and I looked at her.

"Can I draw on your cast when we get home?" She asked enthusiastically.

"Of course, darling!" She squealed excitedly which brought a smile to my lips. She's so adorable! I hope my future kids will be just as cute as she is.

We arrived about thirty minutes later and my parents were on the porch, waiting for us. Oh boy, how I missed them! I got out of the car and walked over to them as fast as I could.

"I missed you so much!" I hugged both of them at the same time.

"We missed you too, my darling!" Mom said when we broke apart from the hug.

"You look good!" Dad said and I smiled.

"Thanks dad! I feel good as well!" Kevin turned up behind us with my suitcase, which I grabbed from him and walked inside the house together with mom. She helped me unpack my suitcase before we went downstairs. Teresa, Kevin, and dad were sitting in the lounge, while Quinty was playing on the ground together with Rowan, my twin brother. He looked up and got up once mom and I entered the room.

"Hey sis! It's good to see you!" He pulled me into a hug. "I think that I'm very lucky to not break anything two weeks after you broke your ankle! I thought it was going to be some sort of curse when you told us exactly two weeks later than Teresa that you broke it." He laughed and I joined in, after playfully punching his shoulder.

"I hope karma is going to come around for you, bro!" I said and my dad started laughing. Quinty pulled onto my hand and I turned to her, seeing she held a marker in her hand.

"Can I draw?" She asked and she did the puppy eyes. Even if I already said yes before, I just can't resist this adorable girl!

"Of course, darling!" I said down on the floor and she started drawing on my cast. I took a look around the room, smiling at seeing my family together again. It's good to be home.

Teresa and I were walking down the boulevard, looking around the shops and sometimes going in one. It's been a week since I arrived here and I've been enjoying it ever since. Although, I miss Devan from time to time.

"[Y/N]!" I looked up and saw Teresa looking at me with a worried expression on her face.

"Huh?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Are you okay? You were so deep in thoughts.." Ahh, that explains it.

"Well, I'm just thinking about one of my students. I don't think I have told you about him.." She shook her head, letting me know that I haven't. "Well, I give him extra tutoring and we've created this bond over the past few weeks, I just sort of miss him." She nodded and gestured to sit on a bench we walked by.

"Let's sit down, dear." I agreed and we sat on the bench, Teresa instantly took my hand in hers. "It's not like a romantic bond, or is it?"

"Oh no! Not romantic at all, just more motherly or something.. I don't know how to describe it." She let out a relieved sigh and I looked at her. "His dad is pretty cute though." My cheeks heated up at my confession and Teresa started smirking.

"Oehh, did my little sister fell in love with someone?" She playfully nudged me, but stopped once she saw my expression.

"I don't know if it's love, we only met a few times. Besides, he's dating someone at the moment." She smiled sadly.

"Well, maybe try to meet up with him a few times. Get to know him better, that could also help because you tutor his.." She looked at me with a questioned look.

"Son." I added and she repeated after me.

"What are their names actually?" She asked and I couldn't help but smile.

"Devan and Daniel Ricciardo.." I softly whispered, not wanting other people to hear. Teresa's mouth fell into an O-shape and her eyes were widened.

"Ohh my.. [Y/N]!" She whisper screamed. ''You have a thing for THE Daniel Ricciardo?'' She smiled brightly and my face felt really hot. I must look like a tomato right now...

''Like I said, I don't know if it's love and he probably doesn't feel the same way about me.'' Teresa let out a sigh and took me in her arms.

''Okay, I'll get more serious now...'' She took in a deep breath and she's probably thinking about what she could say. ''I understand that you created some sort of bond with his son over the past few weeks and that you miss him right now.'' I looked up from Teresa's shoulder and saw a little souvenir shop across from us. One of the selves that were displayed was filled with surf stuff.

''Look, here I'm surfing for the very first time!'' Devan said happily while showing me a picture on his phone. We were done with the tutoring for today and were waiting for our pizzas to arrive. ''And this was last year when dad and I went surfing with a friend of his and his son.'' He showed me another picture that captured both Devan and Daniel in the frame, it must've been taken by Daniel's friend or his son. Damn, Daniel looks good. Well, okay what do I expect when he works out a lot... ''[Y/N]?'' Devan's voice took me out of my thoughts and he started to laugh. ''Distracted by my dad?''

''Uhhh..'' I stammered, not being able to form any words. Devan patted my arm and smiled.

''It's alright, everyone swoons over him.'' He said and I jabbed his side, making him squirm.

''Are you going to surf again this year?'' I asked, diverting the conversation again. He nodded excitedly.

''Yeah, the plans are that dad and I are going with my aunt and uncle.'' He smiled and in his eyes, I could see the shimmer of passion. He really loves surfing.

OUCH!!!! I turned to my side and saw Teresa looking at me. Did she just pinch my arm? ''You zoned out again..'' She let out a heavy sigh and looked over to the shop.

''Sorry, the surfing stuff in that shop just reminded me of Devan. He loves surfing..'' Teresa grabbed my arm and stood up from the bench, pulling me up with her.

''Then you're going to buy something for him!'' She pulled me into the shop and we looked around, searching for the surfing department. It wasn't hard to find. I took a look at everything they were selling and my eyes fell on a small figurine. Ohh, he would love this! I grabbed it and walked over to the cashier, Teresa followed me close behind. After I paid for the figurine, Teresa and I walked out of the store continuing our shopping spree. And as for Daniel. There will be enough time to figure out my feelings for him. 

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