Chapter 10

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Ringing the bell, I nervously picked at my fingers. Devan accidentally left one of his books in the classroom today. So, now I'm here to return it to him. At least, if he's home... The lock clicked and the door opened, revealing Daniel.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Daniel asked and I held up Devan's textbook.

"Devan forgot his textbook in class and he has a test next week, so I figured he needs it." I said and Daniel nodded, opening the door a little more.

"Come in! He isn't home at the moment, but I'll tell him you came by." He let me in and closed the door behind me. Oh wow, it smells amazing in here!

"It smells good!" I said while turning to Daniel.

"Thanks! Olivia is visiting her family in Melbourne, so I'm cooking for the first time in a while." Daniel guided me to the sitting area and I placed the book on the table. "I'm just going to check on the food." Daniel said before going back to the kitchen. I took a look around the room, the bookshelves look so cool! I walked over to them and looked at the books. Some of the titles I knew already but a lot that I hadn't seen before. Letting my finger go over the spines, one caught my attention. I took it out and looked at the cover, The Shadow of the wind.

"Do you like reading?"

"Oh my! You scared me!" I said as I turned around to Daniel.

"I'm sorry.." He laughed softly and I looked at the book in my hands.

"I love to read books!" I said and my cheeks became hot. "What about you? You have a lot of books here."

"I'm not really a reader, but Devan is, has always been from a young age. So I made this for him." He walked closer to me and I could feel his breath on my face. He smells so good... "My mum got me this one, basically because the main character is also named Daniel." He laughed.

"Well, I've heard it's a good one!" I smiled at him and turned around to place the book back in it's spot, when Daniel laid his hand on my shoulder.

"You can borrow it if you want to." He said as his hand moved down my arm, sending a shiver down my spine.

"I'd love that, thank you!" I turned back to him and hugged him. He froze, surprised by my action, but hugged me back after a few seconds. We were really close when we broke apart from the hug, our breaths could be felt on each other's lips now. Don't do it [Y/N], he has a girlfriend!

"Do you want to stay for dinner? I'm eating alone today and I made enough for two..." Daniel whispered and I nodded, my tummy rumbling softly at the mention of food.

"Yeah, of course, thank you!" I said before he guided me to the dining room, even though I already knew where it was. He held out the chair for me. "Thank you, Daniel." Goshhhh, he's such a gentleman! He walked to the kitchen and came back with two plates filled with pasta. And then they say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.. Pff, I guess that counts for me as well.


A huge sigh left my mouth after I turned the engine off. Devan should be done in about fifteen minutes and then we would head to his grandparents. It's been a while since I've seen my parents, so I'm excited to visit them again. My phone beeped, a text from Valentina. Ughh, can't she leave me alone for one second? Don't get me wrong, I love her, but it's she's like conjoined to my hip and sometimes I want a little distance. I ignored her text, I'll reply later. The door of the building opened and I saw [Y/N] walk out. Isn't she supposed to teach Devan's class? She headed to her car, the wind blowing her beautiful locks around, and got in. The last time I saw her was when she returned Devan's book, which was a week ago. We laughed so much while we were eating and it felt good to be around her. She has this amazing vibe and I don't have to pretend when I'm around her. Huh, why is she coming out of her car? She's walking to the hood and opens it, smoke coming out. Shoot, that doesn't look good.. I got out and locked my car, heading over to her.

"Hey, can I help you with something?" She turns around and looks surprised.

"Hey, Daniel! Uhh, yeah, that would be nice.." I stood next to her and waved the smoke away. Once it cleared up we took a look. She leans over the car and looked closer. "It's the engine.." She points out and grabbed her phone. "I'm going to call the garage." While she was on the phone, students came out of the building. Devan was walking over to my car, so I called out to him. He looked up and walked over to us, a frown on his face.

"What's going on?" He asked and looks at [Y/N], who is still on the phone.

"Her car broke down, so she's calling the garage." I replied and he nodded.

"Yeah, okay, thank you!" [Y/N] walked over to us and hangs up the phone. "They'll be here in about an hour."

"We can wait with you." Devan said, after looking at me.

"Oh no, you don't have to!" [Y/N] exclaimed. "I can wait inside so.."

"No, I insist! I don't want you to be alone at this time in this place." I said before I realized it and she looked at me with wide eyes. "Sorry, that came out harsh.." She shook her head.

"It's fine! You could come inside as well." She closed the hood and locks her car. We walked inside the building and [Y/N] guided us to her classroom.

"I'm going to the bathroom real quick." Devan said and walked to a different hall. [Y/N] opened a door and let me in.

"So, this is where I teach!" She says while twirling around. On one of the walls there were pictures of landscapes, one was empty apart from a clock and the other one was the side of the building so there were just windows. She sat on top of her desk and I walked closer to her. Maybe a bit too close.. Our legs were touching and her breath fanned over my face from time to time. Her lips look so soft.. I closed my eyes for a few seconds and when I opened them again, we were just inches apart. "Daniel.. I.."

"I'm back!" Devan's voice came from behind us and I turned around. "Am I interrupting something?"

"No, no, you aren't!" [Y/N] and I both said quickly and I created some space between us. Devan smiled and shook his head while walking over to us.

"How did your English test go, by the way?" [Y/N] asked Devan. Wait.. He had a test today?

"I think it went okay, just have to wait for the result." Devan answers while sitting down next to her on the desk. "Oh, I had a question about the homework." He grabbed his book and flipped to a page. They were talking but I didn't hear what they were saying, captivated by how she was with Devan. I'm sure she's going to be an amazing mom someday. She's just so sweet and understanding. Suddenly they were both looking at me. "Dad? Are you okay?" Devan asked.

"Uh, yeah! Just lost in thoughts." I said and he nodded, stuffing his book back in his bag.

"Do you want anything to drink?" [Y/N] asked and looked between Devan and me. I shook my head, signaling that I was good.

"Some water please.." Devan said and [Y/N] nodded before getting off the desk and out of the classroom. "Do you think she's cute?" Devan asked once [Y/N] was out of hearing range.

"Why do you ask?" He shrugged.

"The two of you would be a cute couple." Devan said. What is he aiming for? I'm dating Valentina... I'm not interested in other girls.

"Devan, I'm together with Valentina." He let out a sigh and then [Y/N] came back into the classroom.

"Everything okay in here?" She asked, probably feeling the tension.

"Yeah, everything is fine." Devan spat out and got off the desk. [Y/N] handed him a bottle of water and grabbed her bag.

"They're here, so you two can go home.." She said and pointed in the direction of the entrance. Devan walked out without a word and [Y/N] frowned at me. "You sure that you two are okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry!" I smiled and walked out of the classroom with [Y/N] behind me. She locked the door and we walked out of the building. Devan was already standing next to my car.

"Goodluck with him.." [Y/N] said. "And thanks for waiting with me!" She pulled me in for a quick hug.

"It's no problem [Y/N]!" She then walked over to her car and I walked to mine. Devan and I got in and drove home in silence.

I'm working on some new chapters, but it's quite hard as school takes up a lot of time and I'm celebrating my 18th bday this weekend so I don't have much time to write... I still will try to write when I have the time

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