Chapter 15

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"I broke up with Valentina."

Daniel bursted out in tears again and I quickly walked over to him, wrapping my arms around him for the second time today. "What happened?" Another pair of arms wrapped around us; Devan.

"She was behind this, she made up the plan to accuse me of things I didn't do. She never really was with me because of me, but for my money..." Even I already did suspect that last bit, it still shocked me.

"Dad, I'm sorry.." Devan spoke up and Daniel looked at him, breaking the hug apart. "You don't have to be.." Daniel said, a confused look on his face. "Just for everything I said and did." I think it's better to leave them to talk right? They have a lot to discuss which doesn't involve me.

"I'll go upstairs so the two of you can talk." I said before walking upstairs. I should really get another Playstation so I can play upstairs too. I grabbed a book and read in the mean time, waiting for one of the boys to call me downstairs. After about an hour or two I decided to just walk downstairs so I could go to the kitchen and make some dinner. The boys were sitting on the couch in silence, but leaning against each other. "You two doing okay?" Devan nodded. "I'm glad! I thought I would start on dinner as it's already past six.."

"Do you need some help?" Daniel asked and I shook my head. "I think I'll just make something simple, but thanks for the offer!" I said before walking in the kitchen and starting with dinner.

"I'll head home now, I don't want to be a bother to you.." Daniel said while placing some dishes on the counter. "You're not! You can stay here for a few days! I don't want you to be alone right now..." I said as I turned to him and layed my hands upon his shoulders.

"Are you sure?" He asks and I nod furiously. "It's no problem at all! I'll just sleep on the couch." Daniel shook his head. "No, you're not doing that! That will just injure your back."

"Damn it, just sleep in [Y/N]'s bed! Her bed is big enough for the two of you!" Devan shouted from the living room. My cheeks heated up. Well, he is right though. "Are you okay with that?" Daniel asks and I nod. He raises one of his eyebrows. "I want a vocal answer.."

"Yes, I'm okay with that." I said before turning around and started on cleaning the dishes. "I'll help you." Daniel says as he grabs a towel to dry the dishes.


Ugh, why can't I get my brace off? This thing is so annoying! I threw myself on my bed with the brace still on. I'm not supposed to sleep with it, but then why did they make this thing so complicated?! Daniel walked in just wearing some boxers and a shirt, his hair was damp so I guess he took a quick shower. "I normally just sleep in my boxers, but I can wear my sweatpants if it makes you uncomfortable." Daniel sits down on the bed and looks at me. "No, it's fine! Just make yourself feel like you're home."

"Are you going to take your brace off?" He asks and nodded towards it. "Well, I was, but somehow I can't do it.." Daniel scooted over. "Let me help you." He undid the clasps and our faces were pretty close while he was doing that. "[Y/N], I've got to say it, you're a beautiful woman." My cheeks heated up and I smiled shyly.

"Thanks, my parents tried." He laughed and placed the brace on the floor next to my nightstand. "Shall we watch a movie?" He asks while going back to 'his side' of the bed.

"Yeah, sure!" We choose a movie and curled up in the blankets. I scooted a little closer to him and leaned against his arm. He chuckled, said nothing, but wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. We watched the movie, well, halfway through I already had fallen asleep in Daniel's embrace.


I sat back in my desk chair with a nice cup of coffee. I'm working overtime today to catch up with all the work I wasn't able to do while I was bedbound. The rest of my colleagues already headed home, which means I'm the one who needs to lock up. It's not that I haven't done that before, it just always makes me nervous that I forget something and then I'm pretty much screwed. What was that? I looked at the door and saw Daniel standing in the doorway, his hand next to the door. Is he the one that knocked? What is he doing here? Why is he even here?

"Daniel! What are you doing here?" I asked and he walked in my classroom, sitting on my desk.

"Devan told me that you were working overtime, so I thought I'd bring you some dinner!" He held up a bag with what smelled like some Thai food.

"Awh, that's so sweet! But you didn't have to!" He shook his head and place a container with food in front of me. "I wanted to and I also couldn't handle the thought of you being here all alone." Why is he so sweet?! Seriously, I don't deserve someone like him.

"Dan... You know I do this more often right?" His eyes widened and looked at the time. "You do realize that it's 8pm?" I nodded. "Damn, [Y/N], you should really let yourself rest from time to time." He placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I know, but I've had two weeks of rest and now I need to catch up again." Daniel sighed, knowing he wasn't going to win this.

"Just take 15 minutes off to eat." I nodded and put my work on the side of my desk.

"When will you leave for the next race?" I asked while stuffing myself with food. "Oi, you want me gone then?" We laughed and I shook my head. "Just curious!"

"Well, tomorrow actually. That's also why I came here. I wanted to see you before I flew off." My heart melted at his words and I felt myself becoming red. I ate in silence as I didn't know how to respond to that and when I was finished I threw the container away. "It was really good, thanks Daniel!" I said as I walked closer to him, still sitting on the edge of my desk. He laid his hands on my upper arms. "No problem, [Y/N]!" We both looked at each other and the mood shifted. There was a tension between us, not a bad one, a sexual one. I took a step closer to him, standing in between his legs and only inches away from his face. His hands moved to my waist and pulled me even closer to him. Is this really happening? The moment I thought would never come? I didn't realize that he had leaned in until his lips met mine and I kissed him back.

Oopsy, a day later than I actually wanted but the words just wouldn't come out into the draft. But now it's here and I hope you enjoyed!

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