A motive

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"What are you going to do once you get them?"

"Kill them." 

The drive home back to the mansion was silent. Bruce was taking it hard though he never said it, he misses and blames himself for Jason's death. Growing up he never understood why Jason hated him so much. He's never done anything too him, Dick was one hundred percent convinced that the Joker is the reason why Jason wants to kill them and The Joker for everything he's been through. He's been brainwashed. Dick slouched down in the front seat of the Batmodile, how could he be so stubborn? Jason know's who has (Y/n) so wouldn't he want to work with them? With all of their skills combined they would be unstoppable. (Y/n)...he felt his body start to warm up when he thought about her. Of course he liked her, she was incredible but he wasn't Jason no matter how many times he tries, he's not him. 

"This is all my fault." Bruce says breaking the silence in the car. "If I would've been faster Jason wouldn't be like this. Jason left because he felt like he needed too."

"Bats that's not true. No one could've stopped him from leaving that night not even (Y/n). We'll get them back. We will." Even as Dick said it he found it hard to believe it himself. Not matter how hard he tries to stay positive the chances of them finding her in time start to dwindle. He watched Bruce grip the steering wheel tighter. The screen between them started to flicker with a call. Dick answered.

"You guys need to get to Gotham now." Tim said on the other line.

"What's wrong?"

"Inmates from Arkham asylum and the other jails have all escaped, their tearing through the city!"

"Where are you guys?" Dick questioned.

"Alfred, Damian and I manged to make it into a subway near Gotham station. I sent Dick the coordinates."

"We'll be there as fast as we can. Tell Alfred to get the Commissioner on the phone, the rest of us we need to go back to the Cave and take whatever we can to help us fight back until the league arrives. Be ready when we get back." Ending the call Bruce pressed on the gas speeding towards Gotham as they drove through the street Dick prepared himself for the fight but without warning Bruce turned down a different road away from Gotham.

"Where are we going? We have to go to Gotham."

"Going to Gotham right now is a suicide mission. We're greatly outnumbered and we don't have the artillery for it." Bruce pressed a few buttons on the screen between them calling the League. "We have to wait it out."

"So we leave the rest of the city to fend for itself?"

"That's not what we're doing. We'd be walking targets if we go into the city without a plan, we'd be dead before we even find (Y/n). This is the Joker's doing, he's trying to distract us. We have to be patient." Bruce explained to him. "I hate this too but we need to cautious." 

"Fine." Dick answered as they kept driving to Gotham Central. Half way there they had to ditch the car and cross the city on foot. Gotham was in chaos. Gotham's biggest criminals roamed the streets causing mayhem. As the pair ran from alleyway to alleyway making sure to take the streets less traveled they manged to make it Gotham Central surprisingly in one piece. The subway was less crowded than the streets were excluding a few thugs here and there which they quickly picked through. Walking through the train tunnels with the gravel crunching under their feet they walked further and further from Gotham, chaos from the city echoed through the tunnels. Finally they reached the spot where Tim told them they would be. Opening the door, the room was small white it was only used for employees to work on the tracks. They all stood in a semi circle.

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