A reunion

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(Y/n/n)- Your nick name

I unlocked the door to my apartment stepping inside the living room and flicked on the light. A man with a white T-shirt, black leather jacket, jeans and combat boots sat on my couch with concern expression look in his eyes. He had pale skin, blue eyes with black hair,  I pulled out my taser from my back pack. "Who are you? Get out of my house." I demanded holding the taser out in front of me.

"I don't want to fight you (Y/n)." Said the person on my couch.

"I don't care what you want. Who are you?" I asked again more sternly.

"Its me...Jason." He replied.

"That's just sick, Jason Todd died years back. I want to his funereal. If you are prove it."

"(Y/n/n), I know that I was your first. You love your brother more than anyone in your family, you and your brother used to go to the park every fourth of July-"

I lowered my taser shock written across my face I'm sure of it, "how...? No one knows that but..." My stomach hit the floor, questions spun around in my head, my body was numb, my throat was dry. I felt like my chest weighed a thousand pounds. It was him? Is it really him? No, he died but....the longer I stared at him the more he started to look like my childhood lover....Jason smiled lightly.

"Hey (Y/n)" He rubbed the back of his neck getting up off the couch.

"How did you find me?" I asked taking a step back the taser hit the floor.

"Bruce gave me your address."

I scuffed. "Why does he have it?"

"You're asking the wrong person." He answered while I slowly made my way to him uneasy, I raised my arm and without thinking punched him right across the jaw. My pain and confusion turned into rage and I kept hitting him over and over, Jason grabbed my wrists gripping them tightly. I kept thrashing before he pinned me against the wall pinning my hands above my head trapping me. He's gotten a lot stronger over the years.

"Stop it (Y/n)! Let me explain!" Jason yelled forcing me to look at him but I kneed him in his stomach making him stumble back.

"You let everyone think you were dead! You let me think that you were dead! You lied to us! You lied to me! " I yelled.

"You might want to stop screaming that before people come up hear and ask questions." He gritted his teeth at me.

"You come out of no where into my life after being dead for years and you expect me to be quiet!?" I raised an eyebrow, "Do you have any idea how much pain Bruce and I been through? He blames himself. I stopped fighting crime after you left."

"(Y/n)...I wanted to tell you, believe me I did, but I couldn't back then. I didn't want to put you in danger." Jason explained.

"I appreciate your concern but I used to be a hero. Every day I was in danger and I know how to protect myself. Thank you." I snapped. 

"If I would've came out any sooner they would've killed you." He said. I shot him a glare usually people flinched or shrunk under my gaze but Jason didn't. "I'm so sorry (Y/n) for all of the pain I've caused you. I've missed you and I know that saying sorry won't change how much I've missed (Y/n)." He was now in front of me slowly wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me into his chest. "I love you (Y/n). I want us to...to be how we were before." He said moving hair out my face making me shiver slightly.

I remember the way he used to hold me in his arms, I felt so safe around him. Like I could let my guard down. It feels so weird now after all these years. He squeezed me tighter, kissing my shoulders. "Jay.... I missed you so much..." He lifted my shirt over my head throwing it to the floor as we passionately kissed.

"Shhh I know." He shushed against my lips. It didn't take long for the kiss to get more heated. Our bodies pressed against each other grinding against one another, our lips locked his tongue fighting against mine for dominance. I missed this, I needed this. Maybe we both needed this. Our lips fit like missing puzzle pieces. I slipped off his jacket and shirt.

Jason picked me up off my feet, I locked my legs around his waist. We took a second to catch our breathes, forehead to forehead, I looked him in his crystal clear blue eyes. I missed how youthful he looked; now that he's here, he's looked so drained and dead. My hands on his cheek, my fingers brushed against something smooth but bumpy, it was as if something on his face was scabbed over. I traced my fingers against the skin on his cheek, it was the letter J.

I removed my lips from his curiously, "Jason....your cheek what happened?"

He looked at me with a hurtful yet darkened expression before saying,"all I want to do right now is you," He licked his lips sexually then roughly kissed me again, tangling my fingers in his hair then tugging softly. I felt him smirk against my lip as our teeth clashed against one another.

Why am letting him back so quickly? He left but I still welcome him back. I love him more than I bet he and I could ever understand. Jason attacked my neck with rough kisses at first then began to bite me, I gasped when he sunk his teeth into my neck I'm sure leaving some nasty hickeys. "Fuck Jason." I said gritting my teeth.

"Hehe," He moved to my ear I could feel him smirk devilishly as he spoke in a even darker tone, "just like that (Y/n). Let's see if we can make you scream my name again."

"It won't be easy." I chuckled while he growled carrying me to my bedroom as I giggled like a fool.

"God I missed you so much." He says.

🎀Hey everyone, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this story. I had a lot of fun writing this! I don't own the characters or the pictures. So yeah, thanks again. Hugs and kisses everyone,

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