🌿Legolas and Tauriel🌿

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Hi! This is another duo oneshot, requested by @fluffyfoxella.
Another oneshot for you my dear mellon.

Kingdom: Ercellan
(Waters of Hope)

Your Father: Merinduel (Calm Wave)

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Your Father: Merinduel
(Calm Wave)

Your Father: Merinduel (Calm Wave)

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Thranduil's wife is still alive here so he is not cranky!

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Thranduil's wife is still alive here so he is not cranky!


It was a nice sunny afternoon. An elleth named Y/n Merinduelian, daughter of Lord Merinduel of the Highlands of Ercellan.
She was humming a soft song that her mother used to put her asleep when she was a little elfling.

All was peace and quite, her humming could be heard for a few meters away and a rabbit snuggled in her lap sleeping.
All remained like that until someone called out her name, startling the little rabbit before escaping to the thick bush to hide.

"Y/n what are doing here? You should be at the palace, my little one..." A voice said,
Y/n opened her eyes to see her father.
"Sorry ada, I just wanted to go out for a little while." She explained with a soft smile on her face. Her father smiled and held out his hand. The young elleth took her father's hand gladly. They both walked back to the palace where the servants were waiting for them. The elleth's mother had died giving birth to her. So she is the only child of Lord Merinduel. Y/n and her father walked back to the halls of their home only to be confronted by Lord Merinduel's right hand, Darethir.

"My lord! King Thranduil has arrived!" He exclaimed. The young princess looked at her father for explanation, but her father just smiled and led the way to the gardens.

Upon reaching their destination, there stood the elven king of the great wood. Along with him was his only child, Legolas Thranduilion and his most trusted guards, Feren, Tauriel and others. The elven king still sat on his elk while the others sat on horses. Y/n has caught the eyes of two elves who were friends.

Legolas Greenleaf and
Tauriel Daughter of Mirkwood

It may seen absurd in a love triangle but they also caught the attention of the young princess of  Ercellan. Yes, the gem of the kingdom has fallen for the two.

"Suilad mellon!" The elven lord of waters greeted the king of Mirkwood. The king smiled in a friendly way.

"To you too mellon. It has been a long time.." Thranduil said as he got off his elk. He looked to the young elleth, and she smiled in a gentle way making her look fragile and delicate as if she was a flower petal of the purest white roses that will wilt immediately if not taken care of.

"Your iellvin has grown into a delicate flower mellon nin." Thranduil said as the elleth raised a brow at her father who just chuckled.


"I am sorry for your loss mellon nin.." A newly crowned king Thranduil said as his wife, little son and adopted daughter along with Celebrian (Elrond's wife) and her children: Elladan, Elrohir and Arwen looks at a baby y/n sleeping peacefully inside the crib.
Elrond puts a hand on Merinduel's shoulder.

"She will be at peace mellon nin. At least you have your child, she is still worth living for." Elrond gestures his hand to the sleeping baby.

End of flashback

Back to the present, the king of Mirkwood stayed at Ercellan for a few weeks and will leave in a few days after making arrangements with the lord. 

The beloved elleth of the people  is now sitting at the edge of the bridge, her feet in the water while singing a song.

"You have a beautiful voice milady.." A voice said making the elf maiden stop singing and look behind her to only meet the blue eyes of the prince of the woodland realm.

"Thank you, you can sit beside me if you want" Y/n said gesturing to the space beside her. Legolas smiled and took off his boots and sat beside her.

After a while they stood up and  had a little talk only to be ruined by someone screaming resulting to the princess slipping and fall into the water. And the bad thing is the princess cannot swim.

Legolas quickly jumped in and grabbed a hold of the drowning elleth just in time. But the princess still kept thrashing around in panic.

"Y/n! Y/n! You are alright! You are fine! Its alright!" Legolas said holding the panicked elleth close to him, the princess has now calmed down.

She laid her head on the prince's chest as she breathed. She suddenly looked up to realize that they were in fact to close. Legolas and Y/n stared deeply into one another's eyes.
Their faces suddenly leaned in and closed in a passionate kiss.


The next day, the princess was now hanging out with the captain of the guard. Tauriel and Y/n were taking a walk in the gardens. Talking about what girls would usually talk abouts.
Y/n could not stop thinking about what happened yesterday with Legolas. Tauriel noticed the look on the princess' face and cleared her throat. Y/n snapped from her taughts and looked at the other elleth beside her.

"You ok my lady? You seem a little dazed from what you are thinking." Tauriel smiled and Y/n smiled back in apology.

"It is nothing, mellon" As Tauriel raised her brow but shook it off.
Y/n was heading for her chambers with Tauriel accompanying her by Tauriel's request. As they reached upon the doors of Y/n's chambers something yet again unexpected happened. As they bid each other goodnight, Tauriel kissed her goodnight not without saying
'i love you' in elvish.

Leaving you dazed upon your door, wondering what you had gotten into.

Sorry for publishing late!

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