Chapter 19 - Kissmarked

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That night something woke up. Someone turned the light on inside her dark hospital room.

She slowly opened her eyes. The light bit really irritatingly.

Someone was standing over her. Again. But this time it wasn't any of the girls. It was a figure with caramel blonde-brown hair, and a shadow over its face.

All she could make out of the face were the big red lips.

The figure turned to the light. Now she could see her face perfectly.

"Wow I got you good in that library." She laughed.

"So it was you." Fallon narrowed her eyes. "You shouldn't have come back."

"You shouldn't have come in the first place. Seriously you are sometimes so stupid." Ariana flipped back her hair. "I've been watching you."

"Where did you go. And why?" Asked Fallon.

"I wouldn't tell you." Ariana laughed. "And I won't."

She sat on the end of Fallon's bed and casually leaned on the bed side table.

"So. How was life without me?" She asked. "I have to say that Jay guy is pretty cute. And oh my god, hoes Brooklyn's dad?"

"Why do you care?" Fallon squinted at her as if she was a ball of glowing light.

"Because, Fallon." She got up again and walked to the window. "Damn... it's still raining."

"It will be like that for a while." Fallon sighed. "Why did you come back?" She asked bitterly.

"Someone has to come and see where you're talking my life." She tilted her head. "And seriously I think I did it better."

"What's the whole idea of me having your life?"

"Wake up Fallon! Last year YOU were reborn as me. Don't try to hide that little part of you that admits it." Ariana pointed out. "Before I disappeared, you were nothing. Nothing! But suddenly something changed. YOU changed."

Fallon just stared at her with hate.

"-you changed your style, you changed your hair, you changed the people you hang out with." Ariana hissed "Don't try to hide it. You tried to replace me."

"Your friends took me in. They carried me out of the gazebo just before it colapsed. They basically saved my life!" Fallon almost yelled.

"I bet you think it all changed. But nothing changed." Ariana walked across the room. "If I come back, you would become who you were a year ago. You don't want that to happen do you?"

"It has NOTHING to do with you!" Fallon screamed. "Just shut up!"

"You want me to stay gone don't you?"


Fallon opened her eyes again. Was that a dream? She looked at the window. It was still raining and only getting worse by the minute.

Is was still dark outside. Probably 2 am.

Fallon carefully got out of her bed. She tiptoed to the window and opened it.

The night air smelt fresh and wet. Rain flew into her room in tiny droplets, soaking the floor and carpet.

She noticed something on the window.

A fresh kiss mark on the glass. The colour of the lipstick being the exact same colour Ariana had on.

It only left Fallon wandering.

"Fallon!" Brooklyn's face smiled down at Fallon. "Fallon wake up I have great news!"

"What..." Fallon blinked.

"They're letting you out of the hospital early! Tomorrow morning you're coming home with me!"

"Oh my god that's awesome!" Fallon smiled.

Everything seems perfect, but it's about to get creepy in



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