Chapter 40 - Happy Birthday Biotch

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C'est mon amour, je t'aime, je t'aime,
les yeaux commens eux de la seine,
Je t'aime..

The old radio buzzed on the top shelf behind the Voilet's cafe counter. Brooklyn always loved vintage stuff but she could never guess why they kept that piece of junk. It harmed the ears. A lot.

"Hello, a cup of black coffe please." She asked the guy at the counter.

Je t'aime, je t'aime...

"Ugh, will you guys ever get rid of that thing?" She moaned.

"Violet put it there in 1960 and I'm not going to move it." The guy shook his head.

"Too bad. The sound is terrible." She tried blocking her ears but she could still hear the pestering grumble of the godforsaken radio.

"I'm joking," the guy smiled. "I would turn it off myself but I don't know how."

"Smash it. I could help you." Brooklyn picked up her paper cup of black tea.

"Wow you should see an angermanager!" He laughed. "There's too much anger in you than there should be in a sweet girl."

"Well I guess I'm not that sweet then." Brooklyn turned to leave. "Sorry I have to go, I have a lot of ...homework to deal with."

"Is that what's got you so worked up?" The guy walked around the counter, taking his waiters' apron off. "Homework? Really?"

"No... bye I have to go home."

"Hey wait I could walk you!" He called after her.

Brooklyn turned around. "Don't you have work to do, accompanied by the shreak of that screwed up radio?" She laughed scarcastically.

"My shift's over." He three the apron behind the counter and went after her.

The snow stopped falling. By now the streets were patched with it here and there. Apart from the two of them, the street was deserted. Brooklyn walked, with the guy who's name she didn't know trailing begind her.

Why was she even speaking to some stranger? Well... he

was cute... and he works at Violet's he can't be that strange.

Brooklyn looked at him for a long second, hesitating. Should she really be guiding some guy she doesn't know to her house, especially stupid thing to do in the time period of a Ariana-dead-girl-stalker plague.

Even if Ariana was dead, whoever was her helper is still out there.

"...hello? Are you listening?" The guy who's name she didn't know gently tugged at her long, straight hair.

"What?" She blinked.

"Ok that answers the second question." He sighed. "And the first one was what's your name? Cos' if you don't tell me I will have to call you something redoiculous like... Angermanagment Girl."

"Hah, No. I prefare Brooklyn." Brooklyn laughed.

"Brooklyn... that's a nice name." He smiled. "Wait a second, Brooklyn as in Brooklyn Harding? The all A* student at Sherbor Privet High?"

"Yes how do you know?" She smiled.

"Your diplomas hang in the principlal's office. You're in the yearbook as well!" The guy smiled.

"Haha, so I'm guessing you're an academical junkie like myself." Brooklyn winked at him. "And you go to my school, right? This could work out alright! Wait what's your name?"

"Kylan. Is this your house?"

"Yeah. So until tomorrow Kylan?"

"Until tomorrow." He turned to walk away but stopped. "Wait, are you going to Marissa Timber's birthday after tomorrow?"

"Yeah, see you after tomorrow." She said and disappeared behind the huge gate of her house.

"Do we have to go to that screwed up party?" Fallon moaned, twirling in the mirror inside her party dress.

"It's safer to." Leighton bit her lip. "It's better that we don't burn... what's left of the bridges Ariana left us with."

"It's so strange." Hazel frowned at her pretty expression in the mirror of Sarah's room. "We're fighting her battels for her even after she's gone."

"That's exactly what she wanted." Brooklyn smiled scarcastically as she did up Sarah's necklace behind her neck. "And as you know, we always end up doing what she wants."

"But Brooklyn, we're not doing what she wants. We're stopping all this to continue with our lives like she never existed." Sarah turned around to face Brooklyn. "I don't think she would want that."

"Sarah, nothing will ever be how it was before. Not even thanks to Ariana's screwed up life... or death." Hazel shook her head. "Everything's just changed."

"But we will go to the party, and enjoy ourselves and possibly not make a new enemy." Hazel shrugged. She got up with the others and stood in front of the mirror. "Alright, we look awesome."

"Pitty this had to be a dress up thing. I could have worn my black dress." Brooklyn moaned.

"For once try and not ruin the happy mood." Fallon tilted her head with a smile.

Marissa's house is over decorated with flashing chrisrmas lights hanging from the roof all the way down above the doorway. A big christmas tree stood by the fountain in front of the entrance gate.

"You guys ready?" Fallon and the others watched the party from behind the big silver fence.

Sarah nodded. Hazel and Leighton nodded too.

"Let's go." Brooklyn nervously tugged at her dress. She pushed open the huge entrance.

The tall silver gate doors of Marissa's house opened. Five girls looking gorgeous in their dresses walked in as heads turned.

They smiled at Fallon. This wouldn't be so bad. Like Sarah said, they won't have to fight Ariana's battles.

Ariana is gone for good.

That feeling Fallon had on the first day of school this year, flooded back into her.

This was her life now.

"Girls! I'm so glad you came! Hello Fallon!" Marissa surrounded them with her sticky kindness. "You're looking beyond amazing tonight!"

"Thank you," Fallon smiled. "You look even better. Happy birthday!"

"Cough, cough, I thought we weren't going to have to wish that biotch a merry birthday and happy Christmas." Sarah whispered to Hazel.

"Whatever let's do it anyway." Hazel gave her THE LOOK. The Hazel look. "Merry birthday Marissa!"

"What..." Marissa laughed.

"Oops I meant-"

"Yeah thanks." She turned to Fallon again. "Is it ok if we have a one on one?"

"Ok." Fallon nodded. Why not go off somewhere with Marissa alone to have her tell you god knows what? They did come here to be carefully, didn't they?

"Why don't you guys go enjoy the party while me and Fallon go have some privet time." She winked at the girls like they were a group of children Fallon had to babysit.

"Um... ok. We'll see you later, right?" Brooklyn exchanged a warning look with Fallon and turned to walk away.

Reluctantly, the others followed.

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