Chapter 17 - Knockout

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Sarah and Leigh had found Brooklyn and Hazel and they sat at the table right by the window.

It was a bit lighter here than in the hall. The windows let in light from the ocasional lightnings.

The rain still drummed loudly at the roof tiles and windows.

"Well this feels nice." Brooklyn smiled, in a way half sarcastically.

"Just think, out the window it's raining like crazy and we're nice and comfortable inside here." Hazel snuggled onto her jumper.

"Ugh. I wish I had a jumper like you. I'm actually freezing cold." Brooklyn sighed.

"Guys... has anyone seen Fallon?" Asked Sarah suddenly.

"No." Hazel shook her head

"Not since this morning..." Leighton frowned.

"She was supposed to be in the biology lab. But I didn't see her..." Brooklyn narrowed her eyes.

Hazel's phone buzzed.

She had two missed calls and three new messages.

"Guys Fallon called me... but I missed it." She looked down.

"When did she call you?" Asked Brooklyn.

"About five minutes ago. I didn't hear it. It was too loud in here."

"Call her back." Sarah said.

Fallon walked through the dark, empty library, lighting the floor in front of her feet with her phone flashlight.

She stopped for a moment, not really knowing why she was here.

But she did know.

Everyone else was in the cafeteria, while she was creeping around the library, trying to find that one thing she was looking for.

She re-read the text message she received in her biology class, when the teacher told everyone to head to the cafeteria.

I'll meet you in the library in fifteen minutes.

See you there xx

She smiled to herself as she read it over and over in her mind.

Suddenly she felt someone behind her. She spun around.

She sighed with relief.

"So you came." Jay stood behind her, smiling mischievously.

"Nobody knows, right? You didn't tell anyone?" She asked quickly.

"Of course not! I wouldn't want anyone to spoil this moment."

He walked closer to her. She walked closer too.

The put his arms around her and they kissed. It was an amazing, sweet but yet, spicy kiss.

She pulled back for a second.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" She asked sarcastically.

"Why not?" He smiled.

"But no telling anyone!" She hissed. "It has to stay secret, just like up until now."

"Of course. If that's what you want."

"It is." She smiled.

They leaned on the windowsill of the biggest window in the school library.

The lighting storm outside, kept it light in the room.

"I have to admit you were really good at hiding it." He laughed.

"Hm. So were you." She stared at the rain pouring down outside.

"Hey... are you ok?" He asked. "You seem a bit sad."

"I'm not. It's just..." she sighed deeply. "How would you feel if you found out that something you've been believing for months-"

"Isn't true?" He finished her sentence. "That's happened to me alot. Usually with relationships. You think it's one thing but really it's something else. What's your situation?"

For a fraction of the second Fallon believed that she could just tell him. She would tell him and it would all magically feel better.

Then she realised that it wouldn't change anything. She would still be sitting on a cold, stone windowsill, knowing that life had lied to her for the past year.

Not only that, not only was Ariana alive, while she and the others thought she was dead, but she was back and she was seeking revenge on Fallon. Revenge for taking over her life.

"It's... nothing." She blinked away her frown. "It's seriously nothing big."

Was she going to have to like to Jay on the very first hour of their official relationship.

He did say that he's often been mistaken about relationships. She didn't want him to be mistaken again.

She just shook her head and smiled.

"I'm ok."

"Ok." Jay looked at his phone. "I'd better get going. You too, you know. They check the registers every half an hour."

"Go ahead. Well see each other later." She swallowed. "I just want to stay back here for a bit longer. This window has a great view on the street. I can even see Sherbor Alley Town Hall from here!" She smiled.

"Ok then. We'll see each other later."

Jay smiled and waved goodbye.

She watched him walk away and out the door into the hall way.

She was on her own in the dark library again.

Something moved somewhere in the library.

She gasped and looked around.

It was quiet again and no one was there.

A book fell from one of the shelves.

She jumped off the windowsill and and turned on her phone flashlight.

She walked towards where she heard the book fall.

It was on the floor right under its shelf. Fallon picked it up and studied the cover under the light of her phone.

It had something scratched into the cover.

She looked at it closely. It said careful in big bold letters.

Fallon narvously looked around, just to make sure no one was behind her. Nobody was. All she saw behind herself was the window where she sat.

A lightning flashed with a loud, smashing thunder.

She turned back around to put the book back on the shelf.

Then someone grabbed her hand and pulled her towards them.

She screamed.

Just then her phone started ringing. If only she could answer.

The figure pushed her back on the floor and she hit her head.

It was so quick, she couldn't keep up or fight back.

She looked up, but her eyesight was blurry. She only saw a dark, shadowed face, and slightly curled caramel brown hair.

The figure ran to the door. The clip cloping of the figure's heels slightly woke Fallon up for a second.

Right before she fainted for real, she noticed the red stilleto heels that were making that clip cloping sound.

Red stilleto heels.

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