Part 7

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Hey guys heres the next part for yous, Part 7. This one is a bit longer than the others....I hope yous enjoy :)


Nothing Like Us

Part 7

After Justin and I finished at the park he drove me back home with the help of me giving directions which didnt go very well because i absoloutely suck at giving directions.

I laughed "Okay now go down this street and at the dead end its the house on the left" I said while giving him the last directions to my house.

"Okay so this one?" He said while parking outside of my house.

I nodded and looked at him "Do you wanna come in?"

He nodded "Yeah sure, its a pretty nice house" He said while getting out of the car and locking it.

"Yeah its a great house" I smiled and walked upto the front door and knocked on it. I pointed to the bright pink toyota yaris car "Thats my car.." I smiled while waiting for someone to open the door.

He laughed "Its very pink"

I nodded "Its a cute car...its not as good as any of your cars. I really want your cars actually. Their so amazing" I said while laughing.

"So now you want my cars...sorry but their mine" He said while laughing.

I smiled when the door opened and to see it was my mum. She was about to say something but then she noticed Justin standing next to me and her eyes widened.

You see my mum was also a bit of a Justin fan, because i made her like him by always playing his music loud and my mum knows alot of the words to alot of his songs. 

"Oh hello, well i wasnt expecting this" My mum said smiling "Im Marie, Selena's mum and its so nice to meet you Justin" 

Justin smiled "Its nice to meet you too"

"Lets go the way mum's a secret Bieber fan too" I said laughing and walking inside.

Mum gasped "Selena! That was our secret" Mum said while quickly walking out of the room.

I smiled and laughed "I dont think i was meant to tell you but oh well" I looked at Justin.

Justin smiled "Everyone loves the Biebs"

I nodded "Well im the reason mum likes you right. I use to play your songs 24/7 when i was younger and i always use to sing them around the house and mum thought you were adorable too when you were really fetus" I said while smiling.

Justin laughed "When i was really fetus"

I nodded and started walking to my room and heard him laugh "Yes Justin i have posters of you on my wall" I said crossing my arms.

"Well i think its cute that you have posters of me" He said smiling and jumping onto my bed.

"Yeah okay make yourself at home Justin" I said laughing and sitting on my bed next to him.

"Yeah i will" He said while getting comfortable.

I looked at him "I have to tell you a dream i had about you one day right" 

He looke at me and smirked.

"No not that type of dream perv" I said while shaking my head. "Anyway, in my dream i was walking and i went into a donut shop and when i walked in i saw you standing behind the counter working there and then we were talking about all the different types of donuts and was pretty strange" I said while looking at him.

He laughed "A donut shop, id probably eat them all" 

I heard Justin's phone vibrate so i picked it up "OMG ITS SCOOTER" I said while handing his phone to him "Sorry about the shouting, its just...yeah sorry" 

He smiled "I think its really cute how you fangirl"

I smiled and blushed a little...he just called me cute!

"Hey ive got to go. I gotta head back to the hotel, have a sleep then go to the airport" Justin said while looking at me.

"Oh really, your leaving already" I said a little disapointed, i was hoping he was staying longer.

He nodded "Yeah im going to Melbourne for a week. But then im coming back here for a little" He said while smiling.

"Your so lucky you can go where ever you want to" I said smiling.

He nodded "Yeah i am. So when i come back here do you wanna hang out again?" He said looking a little nervous.

I nodded "Yes! You should know i would want to Justin" I laughed a little.

Justin nodded while getting up "Great. Well i've got to go or Scooter will get angry" He laughed while giving me a hug.

I hugged back of course and smiled "Thanks for letting me hang out with you Justin"

"No problem, like i said. I like you" Justin said pulling away from the hug.

We walked back to his car and we stopped "How did you get a car like that here?" I said looking at him.

"Oh i rented it" He said while smiling.

"Well lucky you. Anyway you better get going, have fun in Melbourne" I said smiling, to be honest i didnt want him to leave.

"I'll make sure to text and snapchat you. Bye Selena" He said smiling and getting in his car and driving off.

I walked inside closing the door behind me and jumping onto the couch to see Perrie and Mum walk in.

"How much do you love me now Selena, i set yous two up. I should get an award" Perrie said smiling and sitting on the arm of the chair.

I smiled widely and got up and gave her a huge hug "Your seriously the best Perrie! I owe you so bad OMG I LOVE YOU P" I said smiling.

Perrie smiled "Its just he makes you so happy and i knew you'd love it in the end"

I nodded while smiling "We had a great time we went around the shops for a little, it was a little awkward then cause i was still just in shock. And then we went to the park and it was great and the whole time we were at the park we didnt know there were Paparazzi hiding so they probably got alot of photos and yeah it was great" I said smiling and sighing dreamily.

Mum smiled "Im so happy for you Selly! He is quite the looker up close isnt he"

I gasped "MUM your way too old to say that!" I said laughing and Perrie laughing too.

"But sadly he's going to Melbourne for a week but then he's coming back to brisbane so we will be able to see eachother again" I said smiling.

I felt like the luckiest girl in the world to spend time with him.


Hope it was good! :)

Nothing Like Us (Jelena)Where stories live. Discover now