Part 4

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Hey guys so i decided to update again even though i said i wouldnt update for a while but i just wanted to get upto Chapter 4 when they actually talk through twitter :)


Nothing Like Us

Part 4

Right now we were sitting down watching tv together. Mum, Perrie and I. We were watching Home and favourite show.

I heard my phone vibrate and looked at it to see i had a new follow.

Perrie looked at my phone and her eyes widened "Do you think it'd be him?"

I shook my head "It'll just be a fake...I always get my hopes up thinking it is him" I said while pouting.

I clicked on the persons profile and my eyes almost fell out of my head! I felt my eyes getting watery. Is this real or is this another one of my dreams?

I heard Perrie gasp "OMG SELENA LOOK" Perrie screamed while smiling.

I nodded while feeling the tears rolling down my face, i cant believe it!

"HE FOLLOWED ME! HE FREAKING FOLLOWED ME OMG OMG OMG" I said while doing a little happy dance and crying at the same time.

I probably looked like a real idiot right now.

"He noticed me, this is the most amazing day EVER! First i see him and now this..he follows me...I NEED TO DM HIM!!!" I said while sitting on the ground and trying to message him.

"Im shaking too much!" I said while whiping away my tears and taking a big deep breath to calm myself down.

I went onto Justins twitter and pressed 'Send Direct message'

@SelenaGomez - Thank you so so much Justin for following me!!! This means the world to me knowing that you've finally noticed me. I LOVE YOU.

I smiled while sending it, i have never been so happy.

"Oh Selena im so happy for you" Mum said while smiling and helping me off the ground.

I smiled while getting teary again "Yous might think im being stupid or over-reacting but im not. Ive been waiting for years for this and yeah...i feel pretty darn specail"

Perrie looked at me "Well i guess i owe you food" 

I laughed remembering that "You do!"


Justin's P.O.V:

I smiled while checking my Twitter and going through my notifications seeing some hate but also seeing the nice tweets and the random sexual tweet.

One caught my eye and i went into the girls profile to see the tweet that caught my eye on her profile. I opened the tweet to see that she was outside my hotel today. I looked at the picture and saw a couple pictures of me and then a picture of her and i guess her friend.

She was pretty cute.

I went through some of her tweets and noticed most of them were about me and how it was impossible to get noticed by me.

That made me laugh.

I looked through some of her photos and noticed she was very cute. I smiled and hit "follow" then put my phone down and went to sleep.


Selena's P.O.V:

I woke up to my phone vibrating. I groaned and squinted my eyes and my eyes almost fell out of my head again.


@JustinBieber - No problem beautiful. I love you too.

My eyes widened when i read the message and then yet again i began crying happy tears. He had called me BEAUTIFUL!!!!! And said he loved me. I was the luckiest girl in the world.

So i had decided to reply back.

@SelenaGomez - OMG you replied back AGIAN! Sorry im fangirling so bad right now. Thank you Thank you Thank youuuuuuu!

I smiled while scrolling through my notifications to see a whole pile of Justin fan accounts had followed me.

I put my phone back down and went back to sleep.


Hope yous enjoyed it! :) Please comment and tell me if you like it or not

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