Part 9

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Hey guys! Heres Part 9 for yous :) Heres the 2nd part for yous and do hope yous enjoy!


Nothing Like Us

Part 9

Today was the day that Justin was coming back to Brisbane and yes i was excited to see him again. Well actually very excited.

I smiled when i saw i had a text from him.

Justin- Hey, were on our way :)

I quickly got changed (Outfit up top) and smiled when walking downstairs to meet up with Mum and Perrie "Yous keen for dreamworld?"

Perrie nodded "Yes! I've never been before" 

My eyes widened "Oh wow you serious! Well its gonna be great fun Perrie" I said while smiling and we walked outside to see a van with tinited windows which you couldnt even see inside.

I smiled when i saw Justin get out of it "Hey! Yous ready?" I noticed him check me out and i bit my lip trying not to blush.

"Yes! Lets go" I said smiling and getting into the van sitting next to Justin and Perrie and Mum sitting behind us.

"You know Justin, Perrie has never been to Dreamworld" I said looking at him.

"Wait really" He said turning so he was looking at Perrie "Its gonna be great" Justin said while smiling.

Halfway through the trip to the Gold Coast, yes it was taking a while because there was alot of traffic.

I looked back at Perrie and Mum and saw that they were asleep.

I laughed and nudged Justin "Look them two are both asleep"

He looked back at them and laughed a little "Everyone always falls asleep" He said smiling and grabbing my hand to hold it.

I couldnt help but blush. His hand was alot bigger than mine too.

He smiled while looking down at me "You know Selena...I really like you"

I blushed again and nodded "I really like you too, even though you already know that" I said smiling a little.

"I would ask you out right now but..we've only known eachother a month and i wanna get to know you a little more" He said smiling.

I nodded and smiled "yeah thats probably a good idea" I laughed a little.

After a while we finally got to Dreamworld. I smiled while getting out of the van. "Its been a while since ive been here" I said while walking in with everyone.

"Wow this place is amazing" Perrie said while smiling.

My mum smiled "I'll be sticking with the easy rides" She laughed while looking around.

I then heard voices coming from behind us, i turned around and saw Pattie, Scooter and the body guards. Im guessing their here to have a fun day too.

Justin smiled while walking over to his mum while hugging her and then hugging Scooter too "Mum, i want you to meet Perrie, Marie and Selena" He said while pointing to all of us.

Pattie smiled "Its nice to meet yous, Justin has talked about yous alot. And Selena, its nice to finally meet you too" She said while looking at me.

I smiled "Its nice to meet you too" 

Scooter looked at us "Well im not much of a ride person so im going to get food"

Perrie looked at him "Oww im coming too!" She smiled while walking off with him.

Pattie looked at my mum "Why not we go look around and leave these two alone" 

My mum agreed and they both walked off leaving Justin and me alone.

Oh how i wanted to kiss him right Selena keep those thoughts out of your mind.

I smiled at him "Lets go onto the Giant Drop" I said while smirking.

"Uh..." Justin said while looking nervous.

"Please Justin, come on it will be fuuuunnnnnnnnnn" I said while grabbing his hand and dragging him to the Giant Drop.

Oh how today was going to be fun!


Hope it was alright!

Nothing Like Us (Jelena)Where stories live. Discover now