Part 1

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Hey guys so heres the 1st part to my new story. I wont be posting for a little in this story but i will soon :D


Nothing Like Us

Part 1

I sighed while waking up to hearing my mum knocking on my door. I groaned and rolled over, I picked my phone up and quickly checked out my Twitter notifications…none. I slowly got out of bed squinting my eyes because it was so bright and putting my arms out in front of me so i wouldnt bump into anything.

I knocked on the door next to my room and walked in while jumping on the bed "WAKE UP PERRIE" I screamed while jumping around.

You see Perrie was my bestfriend, 5 years ago her parents got into this horrible accident and passed away and we let her move in with us. Its amazing having your bestfriend living with you.

She groaned "Really Selena"

I laughed "Yup, We have school, woooo" I said while groaning, i really didnt like school. I was just happy cause mum always made pancakes.

I went back into my room and got changed into my clothes. You see my room was really nice, big double bed, walk in wardrobe and its own bathroom. I was very lucky.

I layed down on my bed while i went on my phone and onto Twitter and went to Justin Bieber’s Twitter and I frowned when i saw that Justin hadn’t followed me yet.

"By the look on your face im guessing Justin hasnt followed you yet?" I heard Perrie say, i looked up and she was standing at the doorway.

"No. I like spammed him with tons of tweets and favouriting all his tweets all yesterday. Its just impossible Perrie" I said dramatically while running my hand through my hair.

"Well...he is super mega famous Selena, millions of girls tweet him at the same time you do so of course it will be impossible" She said while shrugging.

I glared at her "He will follow me one day alright Perrie, well I hope he does one day" I said while getting up and walking downstairs with Perrie into the kitchen.

I almost drooled when i smelt the pancakes "Oh mum, they smell so dam good!"

She laughed "Good, i dont want you complaining"

I poked my tongue out at her and ate the pancakes. After we finished we got dressed for school and got in my car and made our way too school.

I smiled when I put the CD in and Justin's songs came on. I always listened to Justin when i drive.

"Guess what Perrie, GUESS WHAT" I said while smiling widely.

She sighed "What now Selena"

"So i checked my Justin Instagram...i have over 3k followers! WOOO GO SELENA!" I said while doing a little dance while driving.

"SELENA YOUR DRIVING! Geeze girl!" Perrie said while shaking her head.

You see Perrie was the more mature/smarted one and i was the crazy one that fangirled 24/7.

I pouted "You didnt even listen to me P! I have 3k followers on my Justin acount on instagram"

Perrie sighed and looked at me "Congrats Selena"

I groaned "You suck Perrie! You should be happy, for a year i was stuck on 50 followers and now 3k is amazing!" I said while smiling and pulling into the school's parking lot and getting out.

Perrie laughed "Alright alright, its good that you have 3k followers. I know you always got excited when you got to the 100's with your followers so im happy for you" She said while giving me a small hug.

I smiled and hugged back "Thank you for finally being happy for me Perrie"

We walked into school at the same time as the bell went signalling for our 1st class. Great maths.

"I really dont want to goto Maths Perrie" I said while slowly walking to the class.

She laughed "What would you rather do?"

I looked at her and smiled "I'd rather be with Justin, where ever his is" 

Perrie sighed while shaking her head "You've got it soooo bad girl" She said while walking off in another direction to her class.


Hope it was alright, it will get better trust me :)

Nothing Like Us (Jelena)Where stories live. Discover now