Chapter 1 There, Good As New!

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    "No problem, girl! Now lets get you all nice for him, shall we?" Alya says. She smirks just a little as she helps Marinette wash her face, does her makeup for her, and helps her get the mud out of her hair.

    "What? "  Marinette says.  She thinks,as if this day could not get any worse.

      "Haha, you should see the expression on your face!  It is priceless!"  Alya remarks.

      "Well, then glad you could have a good laugh at my expense then!  Some best friend you turn out to be!" Marinette says back rather harshly.

        Alya helps Marinette dry her now, clean hair and she hands her a clean set of clothes.  She smiles.   "Here, put this on so you will not have to wear that all day!" Alya states.

    "Sure thing, Alya!"  Marinette says. She steps into a private bathroom stall and pulls of the muddy clothes.  She places them into the bag Alya gave her. She steps into the fresh set of  shorts, the tank top and the jacket. She also, puts on the nice sandals since Alya did help her clean the gunk off her feet too.  

    "Well, how do I look?"  Marinette ask.

      "Tada, look and see for yourself!" Alya says as she shoves her towards the single mirror in the room.

      Marinette looks in the mirror and gasp at her reflection. She thinks,wow, is that really me?  She does not know what to think about her appearance as she is not use to such an outfit, let alone shorts.

      "There, you see, now you are good as new!" Alya tells her.

       "Yeah, yeah no need to make a big to do about it."  Marinette replies.

        The girls go to meet the boys now.  As they approach them, Marinette blushes big time.  Adrien does the same.   Alya high fives Nino!

         "Marinette, is that really you?"  Adrien says.  His jaw drops at the sight of her. He cannot believe it.

         "Yes, why?"  Marinette says in confusion.

         "It is just that well, you clean up nicely.'' Adrien responds.

       "Th-Thanks, A-Adrien!"  Marinette says shyly.

       "Wow, Adrien whose this hottie with you?"  Kim retorts.

        "Yeah, do introduce us to the babe!"  Max remarks.

       "Come on Agreste, do not hog her to yourself."  Nathaniel states.

         "Knock if off, guys!  Have you no manners?"  Adrien remarks. 

          "It is just me!" Marinette says.

          "Oh, and who might that be cutie?"  Luka says huskily.

          "Have you no shame? You have a girl, so back off!" Adrien says.  He wraps an arm around her protectively.

            "Whoa, you go, man!"  Nino teases him.

            The others leave and Marinette stands their with a pink hue to her cheeks. She feels embarrassment at once about what just took place.  She decides then and there, she must not ever let herself be seen in this pair  of  shorty shorts ever again. No matter what!  

            "Thanks for the help back there!"  Marinete says now that the others have left.

             "Sure, no problem, Marinette!" Adrien says. He reaches out and kisses her hand.  He leaves.

           Marinette blushes and thinks, wait, did he really just kiss my hand?

          to be continued in Chapter  2  Clumsiness Strikes Again?

The Clutz *Adrienette* by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now