Chapter 9 When Old Flames Collide?

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                 Three weeks later, Marinette runs to the park in a hurry. She secretly hopes to see a glance of Adrien. She is not sure why, but she does.  She does not watch her step and begins to fall again like old times.

               Adrien happens to be in the park when he sees her. His jaw drops at the sight of Marinette!  He cannot believe it!  The girl he loves his right here and she has on her familiar,pink capri's and signature, flowery shirt once more.  He sees her as she falls just like she use to in the past.  He runs to her with the plan to catch her.

             Marinette braces herself for impact. She does not feel pavement. She looks up in surprise when she sees a familiar set of emerald green eyes, blonde hair and strong arms.  She cannot find her voice. She is unable to move.  She cannot believe it, after how horrible she was to him, he still caught her. 

           "M-Marinette, are you o-okay?"  Adrien ask.

           "Y-yeah!  I least I th-think s-so!"  Marinette mutters.

           "M-Mari, it has been to long." Adrien says sadly.  He feels nervous and thinks, this is it right?  This is where she tells me to never come near her again.

           "A-Adrien, wh-why did y-you catch m-me?" Marinette stutters, just a bit.  She looks away in shame. 

            "I will always be here to catch you, if you w-will l-let m-me, M-Marinette!"  Adrien says in a serious tone.  He does not let go and thinks, please just be honest with me.

              "I do not understand.  I  was not a good friend, or best friend.  I was s-so horrible t-to y-you, yet y-you were k-kind to m-me."  Marinette responds. She still has yet to look him in the eyes again.

           "Mari, I am sorry." Adrien begins. He slowly lets go. 

          "Sorry, for what?"  Marinette says as she turns to face him.

          "Sorry, that I did not fight enough for you!  If I had maybe you would not hate me so much." Adrien says.  He is the one to look away this time.

          "Hate you?  Is that what you really believe?"  Marinette says. She grabs his arm. 

          "Yeah, why else would you decide to contact the others and not me. I was hurt when I saw the text you sent Nino.  It lead me to believe that you would never love me as I love you!" Adrien says sadly.  He brushes her hand away.

            "L-Love me?   What?  It was not just a prank, because I was in the hospital?"  Marinette replies.

           "I never prank. It was real. I will never be able to give up on you. I try, but I cannot. I love you! " Adrien says. He turns around,and  kisses Marinette on the cheek.  

         "G-good bye, M-Marinette, my love for you is what makes me weak! I cannot do this anymore!  I am s-sorry!" Adrien says.  He runs away.  He runs fast!  He does not look back!  He just keeps on running away faster and faster!  

          Marinette stands there in shock.  She cannot believe it.  It is true, Adrien loves her!  He said as much. Never has she been happier than now!  He loves her!  He really loves her!  Then, it dawns on her, he told her goodbye!  Wait?  Where is  he going now? Why?  Will he ever be back?

         Marinette runs!  She must catch him, she has to find out what he is up too. She must find him.  She cannot let him go that easily!  Not now!  Not when she knows he feels the same way about her as she does about him!  She loves him!  She has to tell him!  She begins to panic as it dawns on her, she has no idea where he could have gone!  

         Nino and Alya are on a date when they get a text from Marinette. The text simply states...Adrien may be in trouble!  I got to find him quick!  I cannot loose him!  Not really, I love him!

        Nino turns to Alya and says, "Whoa, so she does love him!  Well, good for her!  Hope she finds him soon!  Hope she figures out where he is on time!"  

      Alya replies, "Yes, same here, Nino!  Same here!"

           Marinette continues to run in the hopes to find Adrien.  She gasps at what she sees!

          to be continued in Chapter 10  Effiel Tower Troubles?

The Clutz *Adrienette* by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now