Chapter 3 Clumsy Is, As Clumsy Does!

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             Adrien arrives to class ten minutes past the time the bell rings since he just left a photoshot recently.  He is not that happy that he had one before class.  It was  a total bore to him.  He just never has the guts to tell his dad how much he cannot stand to be a model.  He just wants to be a regular person without such a crazy job that makes him so well known to everyone.  

             Marinette shows up a few minutes later.  She claims it is because her alarm clock broke.  Her parents are out of town, so her mother could not wake her up on time either this time.  She rushes to her seat only to  find herself collide with the floor right beside Adrien's seat.  Talk about a total embarrassment!

           "Ha, look it is Marinette the clutz!"  Chloe scoffs.

          "Yeah, she never does manage to stand on her own two feet for long!"  Sabrina sneers.  She laughs a bit too.

            Almost  all the other students joins in except for Alya, Adrien, Nino and Mylene.  Rose is absent since she has the flu.  Juleka is out of town with her folks for some last minute vacation.   Luka is out of town to visit his father who he has not seen in years.   Ivan is no longer at this school because he left town six months ago when his father got a job promotion that sent them all to Spain!               

           "Hey, that is not very nice!" Adrien says.  He helps Marinette back up as usual.

           "Well, you know what they say!"  Chloe retorts.

          "Oh, and  what might that be?"  Nino ask.

          "Cl..." Chole begins.

       "Class is about to start so just discuss whatever it is after school!  Now, Chloe return to your seat.  I advise everyone else do the same so that we can get on with the lesson."  Miss Bustier says.

        The students who stood up walk over to their seats.  They sit back down behind their desk.  They smile and try hard not to think about how  ridiculously rude Chloe is or how she interrupts the class so much.  They  just sit and remain quiet as Miss Bustier insist that they all do so.

       Time skip brought to you by Tikki's  Best Cookies!

        Now, after school, Alya and Nino blush around each other as usual.  Kim and Alix does the same along with Adrien and Marinette.  

      Chloe stands with her hands on her hips in annoyance at one.  She is not to happy to see that Adrikins still waste time with Marinette.

      "Adrien, why do you bother with Miss Goody Two Shoes?"  Chloe remarks.

    "Chloe you need to learn that if you cannot say anything nice not to say anything at all."  Adrien responds.

    "Adrien, you cannot be serious!  How can you stand up for her?"  Chloe glares at Marinette.

    "Yeah, everyone knows she comes from a poor house.  She is so under your level it is not even funny."  Lila blurts out!

    "Lila, knock it off!  Marinette is a person whose kind and her heart is pure.  She would not hurt a fly!  Now, just leave her be will ya?"  Adrien remarks.

     "Ugh, why I cannot believe you!"  Lila stomps off in a huff.

    "Clumsy Is, As Clumsy Does, Marinette flith!"   Chloe stomps off in a huff with Sabrina behind her.  

     The others think this is sad as it makes Sabrina  come across as a puppy whose on a lead behind her owner.  They shake their heads and think, Will she ever realize how much a control freak, Chloe is to her?   Then ,they all leave except for Adrien, Marinette, Alya and Nino.

       Marinette looks away in  confusion. She thinks, why does Adrien help me so often?   She figures it must be just because he is kind to everyone.  She sees no reason to believe otherwise, as he makes it clear on many occasions that the two of them are "just friends."  She walks way without a word to him.

     "Marinette, wait!"  Adrien calls out.  He catches up to her and grabs her hand.  He thinks, why is she about to rush away?   Does she dislike me?  Did I misunderstand our friendship?

     "A-Adrien, wh-what is it you n-need?"  Marinette ask.

     "Marinette, I just want to say do not let them get to you.  Chloe and Lila are just girls with an ego bigger than their heads.   For that matter neither of them is a kind as you are although Chloe was a  sweet one in the past.  Lila is just a liar so she cannot ever be sweet."  Adrien says.

      "Okay, thanks, A-Adrien, I r-really appreciate it!"  Marinette says.

         Adrien looks into her eyes.  He gasps when he feels as if there is something significant about them.  He thinks, wait what?  What is it that makes me want to draw her closer and k... He shakes his head and backs away slowly.

      "Sure, anything for a fr-...I mean for you!"  Adrien says.  He blushes and runs off.

        Marinette stands their as her jaw drops. She thinks, wait did Adrien just say what I think he said?  She smiles and goes home.  She is happy for a change.  Yes, despite the ridicules from Chloe and Lila, today is a great day!  A  very fantastic one she believes especially since Adrien is still kind to her and so so uh,...

     to be continued in  Chapter  4  She is Hurt?

          published July 13,2019 & edits made July 14,2019 & July 22,2019-23

The Clutz *Adrienette* by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now