Chapter 14 Desktop Doodles

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         Luka's flashback

         Luka was on his way to school when he dropped his pencil. He felt so upset about it because it had gotten stuck inside the crack in the sidewalk. He tried to pull it out but got his finger stuck instead. He heard laughter behind him and looked up to see the prettiest blonde-haired girl ever.

      "Hi, there cutie, what seems to be the trouble?"  The girl asked him.

     "Oh, my finger got stuck,"  Luka explained.

      "You know that is the most ridiculous utterly ridiculous thing I ever heard in my life," Chloe scoffed.

     Chole grabbed him and pulled hard.  She managed to help him get his finger unstuck. She grinned at him and said, "Well, you are welcome, but now you owe me."

    "S-sure, a-anything for y-you," Luka stuttered and thought whoa, did I just stutter?  He was surprised to find he liked this girl.  

     "Oh, good, I was afraid you would refuse or something," Chloe responded.

     "So, here is what you have to do, first you must be my boyfriend, do not tell anyone that I asked you out, or I will pound you.  Then, you have to do whatever I say, got it?"  She replied.

   "Y-yes, g-got i-it," Luka stuttered once more.

   "So, what is your name anyway?" Chloe asked.

   "I am L-Luka, Luka Cuffaine, and you are?" Luka asked her.

   "I am Chole Bougerious, the daughter of the mayor, Andre Bougerious and fashion queen Audrey Bougerious,"  She remarked.

    "It is great to m-meet y-you, C-Chole,"  Luka told her.

   "Yeah, yeah same here," Chole responded.

      A few minutes later they arrived at the school and Chole shook her head at him.  "What is it now?" Luka asked.

    "It is just your shirt is all muddy that will never do, so here you can wear this instead," Chole said as she shoved a fresh shirt in his arms.

   "Thanks, Chole," Luka said with a blush across his face.

   "Sure, whatever, just change quickly so we will not be late to class," Chloe told him.

     Luka nodded his head, went into the boy's locker room, and changed into the fresh top. He threw the other one in the trash bin, then met up with Chole, and walked with her to the class.

   "Wait, you have to hold my hand so people know we are couple now," Chloe said.

   "Hold your hand?"  Luka asked as if that were the farthest thing from his mind.

   "Yes, now, do it," Chole retorted.

     Luka grabbed her hand and they entered the class together.  It was then the other students knew that Luka was dating Chole.  It was a sheer and utter shock to them as Chole was so mean and Luka was so nice.  Those two were such opposites everyone thought there must be some catch to the whole thing.

     After class, Luka walked Chole home, and held her hand once more, then at the door to her place, he kissed her cheek as she instructed him to do so. He felt awkward about this since he barely knew her, but he would do anything for her.

   End of Flashback...

        Luka sighed as he recalled how he started to email Chole daily ever since the day they first met and got together. He would share with her the homework answers and include some cute messages as well. He knew this is what she wanted after all. He also sent her a few desktop doodles from time to time, yet now she refused to speak to him and she rejected his lastest kiss.  He sobbed in utter sadness at what had become of the two of them.

     Luka sent Chole another email today as if it were like old times.  He knew nothing was the same, but he still sent it.  He included a few desktop doodles as well.


 Meanwhile, Adrien and Marinette arrived soon at her place, and he kissed her on the cheek. She blushed and he winked at her.   Later that day, he sent her a few texts which included a few sketches of them together.  He knew they were not that good, but it was the thought that counted right?

  Marinette was impressed by Adrien's attempts to woe her. She sent him a few sketches of her own.  Hers included one of them on the school hallway floor together holding hands.  She blushed more as she sent it as she remembered the sweet, and gentle kiss he had given her as they parted ways for the day.

    It was the little things that made Marinette happy and it seems Adrien was full of all sorts of ideas of things to impress her.  Adrien also knew that Marinette was the girl who did not take much to impress since she was kind to him and he to her in return.

    Find out more in Chapter  15

-Summer out!

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