Chapter 4 She is Hurt?

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       Two days later, Chloe shoves Marinette down.  Then, before Marinette can stand back up, Lila pulls out a knife and stabs Marinette in her left ankle.  She then, pulls it out and stabs her again only this time in her left arm.  The two run off soon afterwards, as they can hear someone approach.

        Adrien bends down over her.  He sees the wound on Marinette's ankle and gasp. Then, he looks closer and sees a knife that sticks out of her arm. He cannot help, but wonder who?  who would do this to her?   

        "M-Marinette, wh-who d-did this?"  Adrien ask. He feels tears soak his cheeks. 

        "A-Adrien, they will get away!   Please get them!"  Marinette replies.

        "M-Marinette?"  Adrien says. He sees her about to close her eyes.

         Adrien takes off his shirt. He rips it up. He uses a piece from it to bandage the ankle to apply pressure to stop the bleeding. Then, he takes some other pieces and wraps them around the site of the arm wound. He shudders to think about what could happen if  she does not get help soon.

       "M-Mari, you will be alright, I swear to it! "  Adrien says. He cups her face in his hands and leans in to kiss her forehead.  He hears her breath. He can tell it is slower than usual. He picks her up and takes her to the nearest available hospital.  Once inside he blurts out,  "Please, someone anyone!  Help her!  Help, Marinette!  It is important, she is my best friend!  She is my cr-crush!"   Adrien passes out.

         Meanwhile, as the doctors and nurses help Marinette, Nino senses something is wrong. Why else did both Adrien and Marinette fail to arrive to class this morning?  It is not like them both to miss out on it like this.  Not without a note.  Not without a phone call, or at least a text.  What is going on anyway?

       Nino decides he must get to the bottom of it if it the last thing he does.  He whispers in Alya's  ear,  "Alya, heard anything from Marinette?"  She whispers back "No, heard anything from Adrien?"    

      Nino shakes his head no.  He and Alya both worry.  Neither of them can visualize Adrien and Marinette skipping class together,so where in the world have they gone?  Just where, could they be right now?  why?

     Later after school, Adrien comes too inside in a hospital room. He is a bed. He sees Marinette in a bed next to his own. He reaches over and grabs her hand. He dares not let go. He is afraid. He is afraid if he does that he will never have this moment ever again. He sobs.  He whispers, "Marinette, please wake up!  Wake up for me!  Wake up for Alya and for Nino!  For Mylene!  For all of us!  Wake up!"

      Adrien takes his phone out with his other hand and text Nino...

        Nino, please do not tell Alya!  It will only make the news, worse!  Marinette is in the hospital!   Someone hurt her!  It was horrible.   She has multiple knife wounds.

         Nino sees the text and gasps.  Before he can respond to it, he hears a gasp beside him and hears sobs. He looks up to see Alya who saw the text over his shoulder.

        Nino's text to Adrien...

      Sorry, but Alya accidentally saw the text.   Also, Oh no!  Will she be alright?  Dude are you alright?

          Adrien's text to Nino...

         The doctors have not told me anything yet.  I will be sure to let you know as soon as I hear anything.  Give Alya a hug!  She could use one from a friend now.

         Nino's text to Adrien...

        Yeah, sure thing, dude!  You take care of  Marinette!

The Clutz *Adrienette* by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now