Chapter 7 Marinette Text Someone!

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        Marinette gets out her phone to text Alya.  She thinks it is time to make amends with her.  After all, she reasons, Alya is my best friend.  She does not deserve for me to speak to her, but neither should she be left in the dark.  She pulls her phone out, and selects Alya's number.

       Marinette's  text to Alya...

         Alya, sorry, I have not kept in touch!  What a rotten bestie, I turn out to be, huh?

         Marinette's  text to Alya...

         Look, Alya!  I do not blame you if you do not respond back.  I just want to let you, I am sorry okay.  Sorry, I was not there for you like I should have been. 

          Alya sees both texts and her eyes widen in surprise!  She feels tears of happiness fall for the first time in six months.  She thinks, is it for real or a dream?  She pinches herself to find out and "Ouch, that hurt!"  She smiles as she realizes it is definitely real.

         Alya's text to Marinette...

         Girl, I forgive you!   I should have come to see you even when you said no visitors. 

         Alya's text to Marinette...

           So, have you spoken to Adrien Agreste yet?

           Marinette's  text to Alya...

           No!  How can I?  I mean, he hates me right?  


            Alya's  text to Marinette...

          Girl, whatever gave you that idea?  Even Nino notices that Adrien misses you.

         Marinette's text to Alya...

          Ha, yeah right!  Adrien does not see me that way!  He only sees me as a friend, or best friend even.

         Alya's text to Marinette...

           You are kidding, right?  He frowns, sighs, and looks at your old desk with a glum expression on his face.  Why if I did not know any better, he is in love with you, Marinette!

          Marinette's text to Alya...

          I rather not talk about him. Please, Alya!  Let us talk about anything else.

          Alya's  text to Marinette...

         Fine, whatever you say, Marinette!

            Alya wonders, what took place between Adrien and Marinette?   I mean Adrien frowns all the time, he refuses to tell Nino and I what troubles him, and I am sure Marinette has something to do with it.  Only, I have no ideas, what it could be, and now Marinette refuses to say anything about the matter either.   I never thought I would live to have Marinette tell me she does not want to talk about Adrien.  Something is off, that is for sure.  Something must be, how else do I explain to Nino why Marinette will not speak to his best friend, the guy she claims to have a crush on in the past.

          Marinette is glad when Alya does not push her any further. She cannot talk about Adrien with anyone. Not her parents, her grandparents, Nino, Alya or anyone else.  She refuses to speak about him or to him for that matter.  She figures it would only make things so much worse. She thinks, she still has to let him go since she believes he only gave her pity and caught her when she fell because everyone else chose to ignore her.  She thinks, there is no way he could really love her, not really.

The Clutz *Adrienette* by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now