Chapter 2 Clumsiness Strikes Again?

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          Marinette arrives late as usual.  She tries to avoid Luka and Chloe at all cost.  It seems those two always go out of the way to make fun of her.  She is not one to complain about it, yet she rather avoid them if at all possible.  She looks around the corner and does not seem either of them much to her relief.  She heads onto class.

         Time skip brought to you by Tikki's  Best Cookies!

           Now, it is after school again and Marinette is not sure what to do!  How will she manage to keep Luka and Chole away from her while she gets ready to go back home?  She heads to her locker unaware that her bullies are closer than she thinks.  She does not know they stand in wait for her outside her locker.   She opens the locker and gets her books out.  She places them inside her bag.  She closes the locker and makes sure to reset the combination so no one else gets into it.  She is about to walk off, when someone grabs her!  

        Marientte looks up to see Chloe.  She tries to  out of her grasp, but Luka laughs.  Luka kicks her hard in the shins.  Then, Chloe throws her down in the dirt. She hits her twice in the face, then once in the arm.   Now, Luka and Chloe leave together with looks of satisfaction across their smug faces.   As Marinette stands up she feels pain in her arm, legs and face.  She figures it makes sense because this is where the meanies got her again!  She starts to head down the stairs and begins to fall.  She screams,  "Agh!"  She looks up in surprise when she realizes she did not land on the hard concrete like she thought she would have.

      Adrien Agreste reaches out and jumps in the way when he sees Marinette about to fall. He catches her just in time before her head meets the pavement.  He looks at her and frowns when he sees all the scrapes on her and the bruises.  He wonders, what took place for all this?  He knows she clumsy,but this still does not account for all the injuries.  

    "Marinette, you okay?"  Adrien ask.  He feels awkward when he realizes he still has his hands on her.  He slowly lets go of her.

     "Y-Yeah, just peachy!"  Marinette remarks.

      "Haha, you are a girl with a funny sense of humor there, Marinette!"  Adrien remarks.

     "oh, is that a fact?"  Marinette ask.

    "Yes, and you know I find it to be a bit amusing."  Adrien says.  He sees her face turn a light shade of pink.

      "A-Adrien, you know you d-do not h-have to c-catch me!"  Marinette mutters.

     "Yes,but I want too."  Adrien says.  He turns red when he realizes what he just told her.   He shakes his head and thinks, she will probably find me to be a bit immature for my own good.

      "Oh, I see.  I  hate to r-rush o-off like this, but I have to go, h-home!"  Marinette says.

       "Yeah, I understand.  See you tomorrow, Marinette!"  Adrien remarks.

        "Y-yeah, t-tomorrow, A-Adrien!"  Marinette  states.  She goes  home.

               Adrien thinks, hmm, that girl is one puzzlement indeed!  He smiles.  He heads home with the knowlege that he knows nothing about girls.   He does not know the least bit about how they work.  He often wonders, why does Marinette respond to me the way she does?   

               The next day, Marinette runs out the door with a crescent in her mouth, her school bag on her shoulders, her purse under the school bag, and her head down.  She does not want to speak to anyone.  She rushes towards the school, but collides with someone's chest. She reaches out with her hands and grabs onto the chest. She looks up with a blush when she comes fact to face with Adrien.

               "A-Adrien, s-sorry did not s-see y-you th-there!"  Marinette says.

              "It is okay, Marinette!"  Adrien says. He pulls her close and looks into her eyes.  He thinks, man how long does it take to get lost in those gorgeous eyes she has here? He pulls away.

                The two go to class.  Adrien opens the door for her.  Once inside she trips over someone's  shoes.  She looks up to see Chloe shake her head at her in annoyance.  She should have known that Chloe will do all she can to make her life  a nightmare.  She is about to get up when Chloe sneers at her.   

            "Dupain-Cheng, why do you even bother to come here?  It is not like you are that good at anything anyway!"  Chloe says.

         "Oh, yeah, then why do you come here, Chloe?  It is not like you have friends."  Marinette says.  She immediately wishes she could take back her words only to have Chloe use them against her.

         "Really, Marinette?  That is low even for you!  I do have friends, why I have Sabrina, Adrien, and Kim!"  Chloe remarks.   She sticks her tongue out at  Marinette.

             After school, Marinette slips on the floor right near the door.  She attempts to stand up, but ends up in a heap by the door once again. 

             Almost everyone joins in with Chloe and Luka as they laugh at the girl who fell down!   Everyone that is expect for Adrien.   Adrien glares at them!  He is furious,  "Would you knock it off, all of you?"  

            "Adrien come on, you know that Marinette is just an accident that waits to happen."  Chloe says in the effort to make fun of her.

               "Chloe, how rude!   Honestly, why do not you just leave her alone?"   Adrien blurts out.

                "Fine, but if she falls again, I cannnot guarantee anything."  Chloe remarks.

                   "I agree with Chloe here.  There are no guarantees."  Kim says.

                     "There is a 99.9% chance that Clumsiness Strikes Again!" Max states.

                       "Hey, that is it!"  Adrien says.  He clinches his fist and raises it.

                       "Oh, yeah, what you gonna do, Agreste?"  Luka scowls.

                     "That is for me to know and you to find out!"  Adrien says.  He is about to hit him when Marinette stops him.

                   "Do not do it.  It is what they want! "  Marinette protest.

                   "Fine, I will leave them alone for now."  Adrien says. He hugs Marinette and she hugs him back.  He thinks, wait, why did the hug feel so good?

             Edits Made July 23,2019

                    to be continued in Chapter  3  Clumsy  Is, As  Clumsy Does?

The Clutz *Adrienette* by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now