Chapter 12 Look It is Mr. and Mrs. Clutz!

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        A week later, Marinette hears someone make a rude remark towards her, but she ignores them.  She wishes Adrien was close by only he is no here. She begins to think he abandoned her since she is so clumsy. She sighs as the lesson starts.

      The bell rings a few hours later, and Adrien shows up.  He smiles when he sees Marinette. He can not wait to sit with his girlfriend during the lunch break.  He notices she wears a lovely skirt and matching shirt today instead of her usual capris, white top, and gray jacket. He wonders if she did this for him. 

      "Marinette, you look fantastic!" Adrien says as he approaches her.

     "Thanks, Adrien!  You look great too!"  Marinette says.

          Adrien blushes at the compliment she just gave him.  He grabs a lunch tray, and remarks, "I would like the baked potato, salad, and chicken tenders please."   He smiles as the lunch lady serves him, then gets a glass full of milk. He arrives at the table where he gently sets the tray down on it.  He tries to slide in next to Marinette but falls on the floor instead.

     "Whoa, would you look at him?  He is as bad on his feet as Marinette!" Luka scoffs.

        "You are so right, Luka!"  Chloe replies.

             Marinette sits down, but her chair flips over and she falls out of it.  She stands up to find Chloe snapping a photo of her. She is not too happy about this. She examines the chair and sees that the bottom has been cut from it.  This means it was no accident as someone sabotaged her seat on purpose.

            "Did you do this Chloe?   Well, did you or perhaps it was your boyfriend, Luka who did it,"  Marinette says as she holds up her chair to show the cut marks in the area where the bottom frame should be yet is missing.

           "This is so not cool Miss Bougerious and Mr. Cuffaine!" Miss Bustier says.

           "Miss Bustier, they are just mistakes that is all!  I mean look it is Mr. and Mrs. Clutz at your service!"  Chloe protests.

         "Chole is right you know,"  Luka says with a scowl.  He can not believe the teacher would rebuke his girl like this in front of the cafeteria full of students.

          "Enough, Chole and Luka to the principal's office right now!" Miss Bustier tells them.  She has had it with this whole foolishness. She is not happy to see Luka and Chloe get by with such crude behavior day after day.

        Chloe walks off ticked off with the teacher with Luka not far behind her.  The others go back to eating their meals and still wonder how Luka ever got to be with Chole in the first place. It is almost like she changed him over time since he was nice long ago before he ever met her.

       Marinette, Adrien, Alya, and Nino all enjoy time spent together as friends and as two couples who do not have to deal with Luka or Chloe at the moment.  Somehow, they hope things will change for the better soon.  

      The bell rings a few minutes later for the close to lunch, so the students head back to class. 

        Luka arrives to class ten minutes late as does Chloe. The two are not speaking to each other, so everyone assumes they must have had a fight or something.  

   *Author's note: Whoa, is this the end of Lukaloe?   

    Find out more in Chapter 13  Slippery When Wet!       

The Clutz *Adrienette* by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now