Little Sister

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You groaned and rubbed the back of your neck as you finished scanning the pages you were working on. Quickly checking the digital copy on your laptop you were pleased to see that they came out well and were transferring to the bunker's 'cloud' that Charlie had made.

Sam was opposite you getting together a file for a hunt he thought he'd found but he was refusing to let you help him so his research was going much slower than if he would just give into your suggestions.

"So you got anything?" Dean asked as he sat at the table next to Sam who glanced at you. With a sigh and a roll of your eyes you snapped shut the book you'd been translating.

"It's not going to kill me to hear about a potential hunt." You said and frowned when Sam glanced at Dean. They shared a look before Dean answered.

"You could do me a favour and check..." He stopped when you grabbed your book and sighed.

"I'm going!" You snapped, storming off to your room. If they knew you were hiding your own case file on a case not to far from the bunker they'd be more than happy for you to listen to their new case.

Everyone had been going stir crazy with the lack of cases and you were hoping your hunch was right because you wanted to prove yourself to your brothers who seemed to spend more time fussing over you and trying to keep you safe than teaching you how to defend yourself.

Eventually you could hear them packing up in their rooms, discussing what weapons they thought they'd need and trying to sort through books for pre-research. You had to whip your covers over your research when Dean knocked on the door and your brother's shuffled in. "We're heading out, hoping to get there by morning." Dean said and you nodded.

"I know the drill. Follow all your rules, call for Cash in a fire emergency and don't talk to Crowley if he somehow finds his way in. If anyone else breaks in flee in the emergency car that's hidden down the road with a map to a safe house." You grumbled out and Sam smiled.

"Just keep safe." He said as he rustled your hair and hugged you before leaving to let Dean say goodbye. Dean's was much the same, a hug, a short lecture about keeping safe and a list of where he'd hidden emergency weapons.


You stalked through the woods camly. Sam had called an hour before to say they wouldn't be home for another day and you had to pretend you weren't following some eerily creepy monster in the woods.

The monster was planning on feeding soon and you only had this shot to get it. Drawing your specially crafted bow you took aim, waiting for it to get to wards an unsuspecting hiker before losing the arrow, hitting dead on and causing the creature to implode with a pop that made the hikers jump but move on after seeing nothing near them.

Your victorious smile vanished when you turned to find a furious Sam and Dean with a guilty looking Castiel stood behind them. "Cas couldn't find you at the bunker."

"Oh. Yeah about that. That thing only kills once every twenty five years and I needed to deal with it." You said and flinched when Dean's eyebrows shot up and he glanced at Sam as if he couldn't believe what you'd said.

"You should have asked us to help." Sam said wearily, secretly he was pretty impressed.

"Asked for help! You should have told us and we would have dealt with it." Dean almost shouted.

"Well maybe you should appreciate that I did this whole hunt by myself and I'm fine." You snapped back and glared at him.

"No. You don't hunt because i'm not going to lose you. You're not dying on a hunt!" Dean shouted firmly and turned on his heels, shoving past Castiel who you assumed had rushed to tell your brothers you were missing.

"He just needs to cool off." Sam muttered as he motioned for you to follow him. "Good shot by the way." He whispered to you, grinning when you smiled for a moment.

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