Wedding crasher

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You smoothed the silky white dress, glancing at the picture of you smiling in your fiancés arms, on the small desk in front of your mirror. His eyes were green, but not the right shade of green. His jaw line was strong and dusted with stubble and his arms were strong and protective, but no matter how hard he tried he wasn't Dean. You sometimes felt guilty, you ran away shortly after Bobby's death, leaving Sam and Dean alone with each other's recklessness. The worst part was that your fiancée swept you off your feet and you thought you loved him.

You were marrying him after all. No doubts, you were quitting the hunting life and settling down, until you saw that damn Impala. You ducked round a corner but you were pretty sure Sam had seen you over the top of the car. You saw Dean two more times but chose to ignore him.

But now you were stood in your wedding dress, wearing glittering fake jewels, wishing for your Winchester. You closed your eyes and let tears slide down your cheeks, sighing, you silently prayed to Cas that he'd find some way of telling you if you were making the right choice.

"You're out of practise." Your eyes snapped open when the gruff voice surrounded you. His apple green eyes burnt into yours as he gazed at your reflection. You knew what was going through his mind.

You had known each other since you were children, both your families hunted and John had even given Dean Mary's wedding ring, one of the few things the boys had left of their mothers. He stepped closer, until you could feel his breath on your shoulder, and closed his eyes as a single tear rolled down his cheek.

"Why did you come here Dean...? I know there isn't a hunt." You whispered. He swallowed and looked back at you, your eyes dropped down travelling across his chest that the black suit you hadn't know he was wearing clung to him.

"Cas... told us and Sammy wanted to come, (Y/N) were all the family you have left." Dean muttered. He grunted under his breath, swallowed and pressed his lips to your neck, you tried to hold back the moan that followed his touch but you'd missed him for so long.

"Dean I can't... I'm getting married. You whispered, lust filled your voice as one of his large hands rested on your stomach and the other wrapped gently around the base of your neck, allowing him to deepen his pressure on your skin.

"Yeah you spent a year without me and ended up getting engaged to guy who looks just like me." He mumbled against your skin, brushing his fingertips across your collar bone. A knock on the door seemed to pull Dean away from his desperate haze and had you slamming down into reality. You shoved against his chest panicking. In less than an hour you were getting married and Dean thought this was the best time to turn up out of the blue.

"(Y/N) People are waiting for you." You sighed at the sound of your fiancées mother. Dean sighed and headed over to the window pulling it open and turning back towards you.

"I know you don't love him as much as me and trust me marrying him is the wrong thing to do... even if you're only going through with it so you can play at being normal or because you think it's the right thing to do." He said before turning to pull himself out of the window.

Before you could stop yourself you ran to the window and looked down expecting to see Dean climbing down the trellis that climbed the side of the house. You smiled when you saw Sam and Cas leaning against a leader that Dean was half way down looking at you with an expectant glint in his eyes.

"You knew I'd come with you." You said with disbelief. He chuckled, making something inside of you stir as he held his arm out and helped you climb out of the window. Once you were on the ground Cas grabbed Sam and vanished while Dean took your hand and ran with you to the Impala.

"I know two things, how to hunt and that you always have and always will love me... who couldn't love a thing like me?" He added winking at you as you climbed into the Impala leaving your Fiancée and his friends in the lurch. You watched him standing on the porch surrounded by people who were comforting him. You weren't sure what the worst part was.

Maybe that he was now broken hearted or maybe that you didn't need to fetch any of your belonging because everything you owned had been left at Bobby's, you'd never had anything more than clothes and a picture of Dean which was tucked safely away in the cup of your dress above your heart.

"Well thy are two very good things I suppose." You say with a smile as the roar of the Impala rumbled beneath you. You'd missed her, she was your home for so long, and it was satisfying to be concealed within her metal walls again.

"I love you (Y/N)." Dean said as he slung an arm around the back of your seat. You smiled and kissed his cheek.

"I love you to Dean." You whispered against his ear making him grunt and shift his position. 

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