Dean's Baby Girl (Part One)

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You were sick of it. Sick of your dad not letting you hunt, sick of Uncle Sam always taking his side. Which was why when they fell asleep you slipped through the bunker to the garage and hurried to the well-built American muscle car that your dad had insisted you have because it would survive a crash if needed.

You started up the engine and pulled out of the garage, hopping out for a second to close the garage, unaware that the loud creaking had woken both the brothers who were instantly in survival mode.

"(Y/N) what the hell are you doing?" Dean yelled as he hurried to you and yanked you towards him, his glared down at you and started dragging you towards the Impala which was parked next to your car. Sam was leaning against your car a coat hanger in one hand and your research folder in the other.

"She's good Dean." He muttered ruffling your hair as he handed your folder over to Dean who nodded his head appreciating the research you'd done. That was your thing, researching, you hated it but because your dad forced you to stay in the bunker you had perfected the most efficient ways to get the research done quickly.

Sam's head snapped up as a scream filled the air and before either man could stop you, you had turned and hurtled into the woods as another scream filled the night.

You didn't need much light to see, Dean had trained you from a young age to be able to run full pelt through mazes of woods and warehouses with only a single torch to light the way so it was no trouble to you to dodge through the trees.

"(Y/N) Will you slow down." Dean yelled through the woods.

The pained and panicked in your fathers voice made you stop and turn towards him. You frowned when he and Sam froze both turning pail, you rolled their eyes assuming they were being overly protective as usual.

"What are you looking at?" You asked. You heard Dean scream your name before you felt the werewolves attack. Sam's gun firing sounded far away as your father's warm arms wrapped around you stopping your trembling body from crashing into the floor.

Sam dropped down to your side and pressed his hands to your stomach making your frown, you couldn't feel anything wrong with you but you were starting to feel a little light headed.

"Hey it's ok (Y/N) we'll get Cas and he's gonna fix you up real good, Damit Cas come on." Dean yelled as the angel still failed to show up.

"Dad I'm ok." You croak weakly, you fell warm drips falling onto your cheek. Sam was silently sobbing as Dean held you tightly to him, his phone was lit up like he'd been calling someone but your vision was blurry.

You felt Dean lift you up and you were slowly carried through the woods, you flinched as blinding blue lights flashed and blurred shapes hurried around you pulling you from your father and uncle.

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