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Dean kept his eyes on the road. The heat was on in the car and rain softly trailed down the windows, pattering on the roof as he slowed at the traffic lights. Sam had to stay back at the bunker and you'd offered to help him.

During the day you'd been reading through everything you'd thought would be relevant, scribbling down in a notebook. As it had gotten dark you leant to the side so you could see by the light of the street lights. The last stop for gas had you picking out a snack and something for breakfast, seeing as you'd be getting to the motel late. He'd spotted a dim light designed for someone to read in the car without disturbing the driver.

After another three hours your book thunked to the floor and he glanced at you. Eye fluttering shut as you tried to stave off sleep. He decided to turn the music down just enough to help you lull to sleep. You were good at what you did but you'd not done any more hunting the research from the bunker for them.

He figured he'd let you get a head start on the sleep you'd miss. Pulling into the motel he left you as he checked in. Returning he figured you could carry you over to the room.

"Dean?" You asked sleepily as you roused slightly.

"You're cute when you're sleepy" He muttered as he opened the door.

"I know... I'm just tired." You muttered, semi delirious with sleep as you started to drift off again. He laughed as he set you down on one of the beds. He took off your shoes and covered you with the blanket, fetching the things from the car. He started to set your notes out before deciding to get some sleep himself.

Dean Winchester ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now