Lost Girl

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"Sammy down!" Dean yelled as an arrow whistled past Sam and embedded into the creature baring down on them.

Two more had the thing falling and exploding into a cloud of thick black smoke, both men stared as a young woman stepped out of the shadows, another arrow drawn. A glowing orb raised out of the muck that the creature's death had left behind, around the size of a tennis ball, before Dean could scramble for his gun the arrow snapped for the bow and pierced the ball.

"You shouldn't get in people's way." The woman said, grabbing her arrows and turning to leave into the woods.

"Wait, you were in our way... we had that covered." Dean huffed as he helped Sam to his feet.

"You had a silver arrow mixed with salt and an arrow of the first men?" she tilted her head and watched the boys exchange nervous looks. "So you were in my way."

"Look we got off on the wrong foot why don't we lower our weapons and talk about it." Dean grumbled when the bow was still drawn and pointed at him.

"No, I have a tendency to bump into demons." Was the only response he got back.

"Wait... I'm Sam and that's my brother Dean, here this is our number and feel free to call us if you need help on a hunt." Sam smiled and pulled a pen out of pocket, scribbling his number down on a receipt he found in his pocket.

"Thanks I'll call you if I need bate." She hummed, taking the number and jogging off.

"Hey so get this, that girl in the woods has been checking out all the places that we went to." Sam muttered spinning his laptop and showing Dean several security video clips of the girl interviewing people.

"Yeah so she's an ass." Dean grumbled, irritated that he'd been woken so early for this.

"But the thing is, I ran her face through several databases and she doesn't exist, I mean absolutely no record of her every." Sam raised an eyebrow and jerked his head.

"Wait not even like birth certificate or finger prints?" Dean asked quickly.

"Oh wait... (Y/N) (Y/L/N) the only survivor of a wolf attack on her family during a hunting trip... age six." Sam muttered. "Dude take a look!"

"What that can't be right." Dean muttered as he looked over the news clipping that was filling Sam's screen. "This only happened ten years ago, there's no way that kid was sixteen."

"Looks a hell of a lot like her." Sam muttered. "Why don't you ask Bobby if he knows about her?"

"What 'choo Idjit's done now?" Bobby sighed as he answered the phone.

"Good to hear from you to Bobby, listen you know a kid call (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?" Dean huffed as he grabbed the food he'd just ordered and headed back to the impala.

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