Sign Language

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"Bobby I'm here!" Dean called as he let himself in, assuming the house was empty when he got no reply.

Half an hour later there was a squeal and he had to duck as something shot past his head and crashed into the side of the fridge which Dean had been shutting.

"Hey whoa, sorry I forgot you can't hear me." Dean chuckled as he held his hands up to show you he wasn't a threat.

From your face and the rate your hands moved Dean assumed he'd really pissed you off, and he couldn't really blame you. Sam and Bobby had been on at him to learn at least a little sign language but he just hadn't had anytime, if he did he was sleeping off an injury.

"You hungry?" He asked, pointing to the food he'd been about to make, smiling when you calmed and nodded. "You'll have to help me with it." He muttered beckoning you over so you could tell him what you wanted.

"You know sign language?" Dean asked Cas as he finished speaking with you.

"Yes, I know a lot of languages." Cas muttered before vanishing.

"He knows... he can't work the microwave." Dean sighed.

"I keep telling you, you should learn but... anyway I have to go, I'll tell (Y/N), you're going stay here and look at what we got so far right?" Sam asked as he rubbed his hands on his jeans and headed to the sofa where you were reading.

"It can't be hard to learn, might as well do it, now right?" He asked himself after Sam had left, glancing over at you sat on the sofa before staring down at the laptop.

Hunts passed and he didn't tell anyone what he was trying to do, any free moment he got he practised, even in the bathroom using his phone to show him which gestures he'd need.

Eventually Dean sat you down while Sam was busy and awkwardly got the laptop out, just in case he'd need it.

"Ok, so don't get mad if I get this wrong." He sighed to himself as he started to sign out what he was saying.

He stopped when you didn't react, staring at him with wide teary eyes as he signed out if you were ok. You liked Dean a lot and you got along with him, he had a special way of talking with you, your own made up sign language.

He jumped when you burst into tears, terrified he'd said something horrible, tipping his chair back in his rush to crouch down next to you and stroke your leg.

"Hey tell me what wrong... here." He grabbed a pen and paper when you got to worked up to make any sense, plus he still hadn't got most of the words down and he wanted to know exactly what was wrong so he could stop you crying.

You tried to think of the best way to write it to explain to Dean that he. One of the men who had saved the world so many times you'd lost count, had taken what little spare time he had to create your own langue and you were scared you'd lose it.

"Oh." He said when he read the note, glancing up at you.

"But there... is something... important." He grinned when you automatically corrected the hand gesture before blushing. "That I need to... tell... you?"

You nodded slowly, waiting nervously for whatever he was about to say, wondering why he looked nervous enough to pass out.

"I love you." He signed out.

Dean swore no matter what he'd never forget your reaction. You broke into a wide grin, ducking your head to hide your face before almost crumbling into him, arms and legs rapping around him as he hugged you back, kissing your shoulder when your grip wouldn't loosen.

"You think I know enough to take you on a real date?" He asked, smiling when you frowned but figured out what he was saying. "I love you." He signed again.

This time you signed it back before sweetly leaning down to kiss the hunter, his hands gently resting on your waist.

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