Christmas Prompt

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The motels heater was out. So you'd burrowed under the duvets and some of the blankets you'd found in the Impala while researching. "You can't put alcohol in the hot chocolate." You muttered without looking at Dean who'd just returned from dropping Sam off at the library, carry hot chocolate for you both.

"What?" he asked innocently.

"We're on a job, we could go out to fix this tonight. Save the booze." You advised and he raised his eyebrows as you looked at him.

"Says the one who had three beers last night." He muttered.

"Yeah. On a night when we were researching and scoping out the town. Not on the night we could fight a big baddie." You sighed and he nodded.

"Fair enough. But once we're done..." He trailed off when you snapped your book shut and handed you one of the drinks.

"I will buy you the best whisky I can afford and it'll be a christmas gift from me." You promised and he nodded with a smile.

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