The Good, the Bad and the Sexy

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"I've got a text" Yewande screeches. So me and the boys climb out of the pool to listen. "Haha boys it's time to show the girls what you're made of as you take on todays challenge. The good, the bad and the sexy #saddleup  #not my first rodeo." Everyone starts celebrating and messing around. 

We all run down to the challenge area with the boys wearing cowboy outfits while me and the girls have put on some shorts over our swimwear. 

The boys are lined up on one side next to the bull and a door while the girls are lined up opposite them. 

First, was Michael who was very good at it and looked incredibly sexy, especially when he stripped. Eventually, he fell off the bull and me and Anna had to squirt him with paint which was fun and we were laughing the entire time. We got to wear cowboy hats and balaclavas. Then he had to untie Yewande from a train track, using his teeth to undo the robes. That made me slightly jealous, especially when they had their kiss at the end. 

"That was the sexiest thing I've ever seen. He has an amazing body like woah. But I was slighlty jealous about that kiss with Yewande but I can't do anything to stop it. Yet." I say with a smirk and wink at the camera.

Next up was Sherif who was good. I love squirting paint at the boys it very fun. Then it was Tommy with Lucie and he was also incredibly sexy especially with paint dripping down his abs. You could tell that Joe was jealous throughout Tommy's routine with Lucie. He was not enjoying it, but who can blame him. 

Then was Callum who tried his hardest bless him but he was just very bad at it, bless him. He definitely not sexy. Then it was Curtis who put on a fabulous show. It was a lot of hips, definitely sexy. Amy was loving it. Next was Joe who chose Lucie and you could tell she loved it. I think their suited to each other. Then Anton chose Molly meaning I got to announce the winner. I'm kinda gutted he didn't chose me but you can't help it.

"We thought the sexiest cow boy was Michael." I say giving him a wink.

After everyone congratulated him we all ran back into the villa.  


Once we got back to the villa I decided to have a chat with the boys to see where their heads are at. 

Firstly, I walked over Michael on the sun loungers. "Congratulations, Mr sexy." I said with a smirk as i sat next to him.

"Thanks babes. Did you vote for me then?" he asked with a cheeky smile.

"Of course I did." I replied with a wink. "So where's your head at?"

"Obviously I find you very attractive and we have a connection and we get on well so I'd be chuffed if you picked me but I know you have your eye on Anton and Tommy as well."

"Yeah I definitely agree with you. I'd say I'm more romantically attracted to you rather than the other two and I think having this chat has made me definitely made my head more clear because it was a mess earlier."

I went next and had a chat with Anton. As I sat down on the bean bag he asked me where my head was at?

"Honestly, I find you attractive and your a lovely boy, you've got banter, you make me laugh, I just think me and you would be better suited as friends. We can still get to know each other and chat cause I think that we do have a connection and you are my type. It's just right now my head is with Michael but that doesn't mean it couldn't change, it's only been a day since I came in."

"Yeah don't worry, I totally understand where you're coming from and at the end of the day I just want you to be happy and if that's with Michael then be with Michael."

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