she's your mistake, lauren

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"What the hell do you mean you can't watch her?"

Fighting with Clara Jauregui was a regular thing for Lauren. Her and her mother had never gotten along properly, but now was a time that she needed her mother's help. She had agreed to watch Grace a few times before, Lauren not keen on leaving the baby alone often, but now, in Lauren's desperation, Clara bailed on her.

"She's your mistake, Lauren! Your responsibility! Your father and I never asked for this. We asked you to get rid of that baby, but you were so adamant on keeping it. Now we have to act like she's ours, like we were reckless and conceived a baby at our age. And for what? To protect OUR name that was nearly ruined because our teenager couldn't keep her legs closed!" Lauren was stunned at her mother's words; not because of the attacks on her, but on her innocent daughter who was sleeping in the bassinet by her bed. Grace was a blessing to Lauren, and it hurt to hear her mother talk about her in such a patronizing tone. Acting like Grace was just her sister was painful to Lauren. She wanted to be proud of her daughter publicly, to show off the best thing that had ever stumbled into her life, but instead she was forced to keep it under wraps for the sake of her parents. It was the only way to keep Grace, so Lauren went along with it. She had bigger problems though.


Without her mom watching Grace for the day, Lauren would be forced to bring her along for her and Camila's study session. Although she could just keep up with the lie that Grace was her sister, it was hard to act that way around her daughter. She felt like she was abandoning her even though she was right there in her arms. It just felt wrong. Packing up the diaper bag, though, Lauren said a silent apology to the ten-month-old, a small tear slipping down her cheek.

Later on that day

When Camila heard a knock on her front door, she took a deep breath as she approached it. She really didn't want to spend the day with Lauren Jauregui. She was honestly looking forward to the end of the day even though it had barely just started. It came as a surprise, though, when she opened the door to find Lauren standing there, dressed head to toe in black, but holding a baby girl on her hip. Camila was almost in shock. The little girl had mousy brain hair on the top of her head, a tiny button nose, chubby cheeks, and full, pouty lips. What drew Camila to the baby was her green eyes. They seemed to match those of the girl who was holding her exactly. Camila was quickly snapped out of her thoughts by Lauren's raspy voice. "Mom had to work late and couldn't watch my sister. I got stuck with the kid. Deal with it." 

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