i'll be the cure

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They often say absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Camila couldn't disagree with that statement anymore.

Some days you just wake up and you know it's going to be a bad day. It's like some unseen force glues you to your bed, making you feel like the weight of the world is resting right on top of your own chest. That is how Camila felt today. And through the depths of her mind, it finally dawned on her why.

It was February 14th.Sofia's day.

The eldest of the Cabello sisters grieved her little sister in silence most of the time, but on the day of love, she only missed her sister more. It was almost impossible to tame the pain that she felt. The usually bubbly girl had been replaced by a hollowed-out version of herself. It happened every year.

So, when Lauren Jauregui wrapped her arms around the younger girl's waist like she did every morning, she was confused at the way Camila's entire body tensed up. It was then that she noticed the shakiness of Camila's shoulders. She instantly grew concerned for the girl, never having seen her cry this way. "Camila...baby, what is it?" But nothing could have prepared Lauren for the reaction she received.

"Leave me the fuck alone, Lauren. Don't touch me." Lauren knew that Camila was just lashing out, but still, she was confused at what was going on. Had she done something wrong? "Okay, whatever. I'm going to take the baby to daycare since your mom can't watch her while we study today." Lauren was actually proud of herself, as Sinu had suggested putting Grace in daycare on some Saturdays to give herself a little break. Letting go was hard, but she knew it was healthy for her and her daughter, so she decided to try it out. Camila, on the other hand, was not interested one bit, which was unusual as she was usually putty in the hands of anything involving Lauren Jauregui's daughter. "Whatever, Lauren. Do what you want." Her voice was so low and monotone that it could barely be heard even in the silent room they both occupied. Lauren thought to kiss Camila's forehead, but she decided she better not. She silently got her daughter ready and headed out the door.

During the drive to Grace's daycare and back, Lauren thought up a plan that she figured might cheer the brown eyed girl up. She was actually excited as she practically ran up the stairs, sure that she had found the cure to whatever was going through Camila's mind. She was sad as she entered the bedroom, seeing Camila in the exact same position she had left her, the same solemn expression on her face. This wasn't the girl she knew. It was hard to see.

Leaning down, Lauren rested her weight comfortably on her knees and propped her chin up on the bed, now face-to-face with Camila who stared wide-eyed back at her. "Hey Camz," Lauren said as she took in Camila's features. She really was something special. "I wanted to suggest something." Camila's features didn't change, but Lauren did notice how her gaze became a little more attentive. "I was thinking...since it's Valentine's Day and all, maybe we could go out somewhere today. It can be someplace really lowkey and all, and it doesn't have to be labeled as a date...but maybe just something to celebrate us growing closer. How does that sound?" Lauren grinned, her plan sounding better as she voiced it, but Camila's reaction, unfortunately, was not the same.

The sound of the blanket snapping off of Camila rang louder than a whip. And Lauren Jauregui had never been scared of the girl before, but the fire in her eyes could have made the green-eyed-girl shrink into a corner in an instant. Pointing a finger, Camila jabbed it into Lauren's chest before speaking with so much venom in her voice that it was more toxic than the bite of sixteen king cobras. "You....you think you have the right, Lauren? You think you have the right to want to take me out and prance me around like some kind of trophy on a day like today?" Lauren almost spoke, but Camila cut her off before she could. "You had the nerve! The nerve to bring her up, the death of an innocent little girl, to use against me because you were having mommy and daddy issues at home. And now you want to just act like everything is okay? Well it's not okay! It hasn't been okay for three fucking years." Camila was audibly sobbing now, and Lauren had started to put the pieces together. She knew what this was about.

Lauren knew that Camila didn't want to be touched right now, but she also knew that Camila needed to be brought back to reality. And needs triumphed wants. In one quick move, Lauren wrapped her arms tightly around Camila and braced for the punches and fighting back that she knew would come. Tears began to soak the clothing that covered Lauren's shoulder and Camila's hits against her arms, the same arms that still held her so tight, became weaker and less frequent. The sobs that came out of Camila's mouth absolutely broke Lauren's heart, but not more than the words that followed. "I wish I had died with Sofi. It isn't worth being here without her. It isn't fair." And with that, Lauren felt the girl finally break, her limbs becoming heavy as they both fell to the ground gently. Cradling a crying Camila in her arms, Lauren soothed her. "I know, Camz. I know. But she would want you to keep living, especially while she can't. You make her so proud."

Lauren continued to hold Camila, peppering her forehead with gentle kisses and whispering sweet nothings that only she could hear. Looking up at her with wet brown eyes, Camila asked, "Why do you think God would give such a horrible disease to such an innocent little girl?" Lauren, taken aback by such an unanswerable question, replied in the best way she could. "I don't know, Camzi. Maybe she was just too beautiful for this stupid earth." Camila grinned gently before nestling herself back into Lauren's embrace. They sat there for a long time before Lauren began to sing to Camila in a quiet tone.

I'll undress you cause you're tired

Cover you as you desire

When you fall asleep inside my arms

May not have the fancy things

But I'll give you everything you could ever want

It's in my arms

So baby tell me yes

And I will give you everything

So baby tell me yes

And I will give you everything

I will be right by your side

If I can't find the cure

I'll fix you with my love

No matter what you know

I'll fix you with my love

And if you say you're okay

I'm gonna heal you anyway

Promise I'll always be there

Promise I'll be the cure

"Hey Camila?"

"Yeah, Lo?"

"I'm really sorry for what I said about Sofi. I promise I didn't mean it. Things were different. I-"

"I know, Lauren. I know."


Hi! So. This part is important for two reasons. We finally get some insight into Camila's thoughts/feelings/struggles about Sofia and the bullying that she endured from Lauren. Their relationship is growing stronger, but those personal feelings will still come up and need to be dealt with from time-to-time. And we get to see Lauren comfort Camila for once. Growth! You didn't hear it from me, but a little birdy told me they might become official in the next chapter. But like I said. Didn't hear it from me. 

I fly back to college in a couple days, so I apologize for any delays. Like I said before, this story isn't going anywhere. There might be some stretches between updates...but it still has my heart. Thanks for sticking around. 


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