this is going to be a nightmare

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Many things could be said about Lauren Jauregui by the student body of Lakewood High School. Her classmates could say that Lauren was mean, that she was a bully, that she had no regard for the feelings of others. What they couldn't deny about the mysterious girl was that she was blessed with an intelligence that they could only hope to have. No matter the subject, Lauren excelled above the rest of her classmates. School came effortlessly to the teenager.

Sitting in Mrs. O'Connor's third period history class, Lauren wasn't paying much attention, because honestly, she had already learned about the holocaust enough on her own time that she wasn't missing anything new. The teacher was aware of this as well, so she didn't bother to scold her star student. What caught Lauren's attention was when Mrs. O'Connor mentioned two soul shaking words that nearly knocked her off her feet.

Group project.

Lauren despised working with others. Besides her encounters with Camila Cabello, she kept to herself. It was easier that way. If she didn't talk to people, there were no chance of letting her dirty laundry air out. With socializing came small talk, and with small talk came dangerous territory.

While Lauren was trying to think of ways she could weasel her way out of the situation, a certain brown eyed girl a few desks away was sharing similar anxieties. Unlike Lauren, Camila had nothing to hide; she was just as shy as they come, and the thought of being paired with a classmate she hardly knew only to probably end up pulling 90% of the weight of the project didn't sound appealing to the her.

As the two enemies sat on opposite sides of the classroom, though sharing similar feelings towards their new assignment, the girls listened as their teacher assigned group members. "So, Lily Simmons and Levi Stephens, you two will be paired for the project. Macey Graves and Alexa Thompson. Julie Price and David Smith..." Their teacher went on, but halfway through, the next two names the teacher uttered came as a shock. "Lauren Jauregui and Camila Cabello."

Camila almost choked right there on the spot. Lauren Jauregui? Was this God's cruel way of getting back at her for not attending church on Sunday mornings? Her heart began racing in her chest, willing her ears to have mistaken her partner's name in some way. There was no way that Camila could work on a project with Lauren. "This is going to be a nightmare," she thought to herself, unbeknownst to her that her partner was thinking the same thing on the other side of the classroom.

Actually, Lauren Jauregui was practically shitting bricks.


I decided to publish the next part because 1. I already wrote it so I figured why not and 2. I thought the next part was important because it sets up the course of the story. Enjoy.

- K

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